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News and Reviews > Official Announcements

DonationCoder Major Upgrades - Progress Report Thread

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Tuxman, I'm curious to hear your thoughts about Discourse. I "discovered" it some months ago (or perhaps re-discovered) and I have kind of a love/hate relationship with it. I'm not actively running it on any sites mind you, so my experiences are limited. I absolutely *love* some aspects of it (the default design is not one of them), and I really like what their goals are, what they're trying to do. But as I said I do have issues with the design, and there are some other concerns too. So I'd be interested in hearing your perspective, especially since you said you're tinkering with some SMF forks (don't know why I didn't think to look for some before now!). Perhaps this should be split off into its own thread? :D

- Oshyan
-JavaJones (July 19, 2015, 01:48 PM)
--- End quote ---

Perhaps.  And then I'll chime in from my experiences :)

mouser, I forgot to post the list of SMF anti-spam addons I use. Here you go:

And here's a new thread to discuss Discourse and other "modern"/"next-generation" forums:

- Oshyan

Discourse is an annoying try to do everything differently even if there was no actual need for that before. The UI requires Javascript which sucks for  security reasons; but, even worse, the whole thing grew so fat that the only supported installation method is a pre-configured Docker container (!) which limits Discourse to Linux although it does not require any other Linux-only package.

Their so-called community does not seem to care about people doing things in a different way.

Thanks JavaJones for starting a new thread on modern forum stuff, I'm looking forward to discussion continuing there.

As for DC SMF2 progress, I have just finished porting over the DonationCredits system to new smf2 code, and that's my last big hurdle.. Everything else is just tweaking and testing now, and then the dc-ification of the look of the css.
So, it's easy sailing from here on out.. (at least for the forum).

Can I hear some opinions on how important the Bookmarking mod is to people? Thats the one responsible for this page:


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