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reverse smilie (:

<< < (2/3) > >>

And I'm finding a lot of web sites & apps that automatically transform the colon + right parenthesis into a yellow emoticon, which don't know what to do with (: and leave it in its original form, which is kind of cool (to me).
-bit (July 03, 2015, 04:09 AM)
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Heh I also purposely add a space which also stays put, so I can toggle if I wanna go all-yellow or not.

( :

The reverse Birdy is harder to type than the original one I invented you can do with a slide of a finger.


It makes more sense in RTL langauges than in LTR languages. :) -Renegade (July 03, 2015, 02:01 AM)
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Or people from the Antipodes (:

life is weird.

so when not remembering the right order, granny and me now have a fifty percent chance of ending up being cool and all modern?!

not really!  (|:

so when not remembering the right order, granny and me now have a fifty percent chance of ending up being cool and all modern?!
-Curt (July 08, 2015, 04:05 PM)
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Heh, maybe a thread about typographic shortcuts is the place to put this!

I now talk/write in "chess annotation". Double punctuation will never be the same again!

?! roughly means "pessimistic"
!? roughly means "hopeful and interesting"

So you're pessimistic about being all cool and hip by accident?!
(Always put exactly three W's and a period in Awww. That way a very few chat programs/modules wonder if it's a weblink in the making and highlight it differently!)



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