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The joy of seeing a first time forum poster

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Welcome to the site, n8wachT (that's hard to pronounce!)
-mouser (November 18, 2015, 06:50 PM)
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Thank you, and I can imagine. It's dutch for 'nightwatch.'
So if it helps, just call me 'night.'  ;D

The problem with that idea is sometimes -- many times with me -- the joy turns to a kind of anger later when the admin, mods, and regular members find out they have a real nutcase on their hands -- like me.

You see, I like to ask that nasty question, why, and some companies don't like that question.  But I just keep asking and I have many ways to ask the same question and because I don't give up I am sometimes successful.

But I am probably not such a bad fella, if I am not going after your company because your company did something not so cool.

Actually, my latest project is to drag the ISOC into some sort of true democratic style of doing business within the membership ranks, and that is one tough job.

I've recently come to realize that tech people are not so good at using democratic processes because they are too used to dealing with the average gal/fella that knows zip-zero-nada about some sort of tech issue they are having and the people trying to help usually feel more comfortable just ordering that average gal/fella in what needs doing to get something fixed/done.

Then that tech person finds themselves in an organization like the ISOC and they just keep on ordering, instead of changing their thinking to that of a person really into the democratic methods of doing business.

By the way, the six decades old is true with a few extra years added.  Used to fly, by the way.  Life Member of the VFW.  Still have one of my old TRS-80s stored in that closet over there.  Tons of software for the TRS-80, too.

And I'll bet I just did that intro thingy in the wrong location/thread, right?  Sorry.

Oh, by the way, those verification codes -- the letters are all supposed to be upper-case?

Welcome to the site 6Decades -- good of you to join us  :Thmbsup:

I had the extreme pleasure of using a TRS-80 while I was learning to code and it was a great computer to use.  And the keyboard was tactile heaven.  I still remember some of the old games we wrote for it using the very cool block graphics.
(The Radioshack color computer was also a joy to code).

I think in general verfication codes may be shown in capital letters but they usually don't care if you type in lowercase or uppercase.

I went back to the screen grab for another look with regard to when I was doing the registration thing and I now see that it wasn't the lower-case I used.  I thought that "W" was an "E" almost on its back.  In fact, I remember now thinking at the time that was sure to fool a machine.  I'll bet that is actually a "W" slightly tilted on the left side, right? 

The joy of seeing a first time forum poster

...I'll bet that is actually a "W" slightly tilted on the left side, right? 
-6DecadesOld (March 08, 2017, 04:25 AM)
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From my perspective, I think the answer to your question might depend on how many shots of whisky one has had.


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