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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

The joy of seeing a first time forum poster

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Carl Stone:
Hi Carl, welcome to the site  :Thmbsup:
(I'm in Champaign IL by the way).
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Cool, nice to meet you man!!
Yeah I was born and raised down here on the
IL. side of the river across from St. Louis, MO.

I lived in Missouri for a while when I was married,
I worked over there most of the time so I figured
why not live over there.......then the divorce happened.

I'm semi-retired from industry right now trying to get
my own small shop going to do my own thing as somewhat
of an artisan of sort, making cutlery and other things out
of recycled steel and other recycled materials as well.
It's been slow going though since the banks and investment
firms aren't lending for new business start-ups.

Much like yourself, I've had to get creative.  Lol  :-[

this is my 2nd post today and i joined today 7/11/17


Bumping this topic! Let's go talk to some of this month's new people!


Bumping this topic! Let's go talk to some of this month's new people!

-TaoPhoenix (September 29, 2017, 06:50 PM)
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I know one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

And a participant likes Albert Einstein must be really good !!!!!!!!!!

Welcome jbuenavides.

Just stroll around and you will get many ideas here. Have look in last years NANY and you may find some jewels, you did not knew :)




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