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Free Task Manager total resources for multiple instances?
If you get an error from running a posh script, just read the given message to solved that issue.
If you ask for help, give details what and how you do things and which error you get, best, copy there & paste here.
I just found my crystal bowl broken, sorry :P
Well, you can try to get something similar with tasklist and an AWK for windows or similar (like advanced calculation using FOR command).
For task manager, try Process Hacker, work quite well.
-DK2IT (July 01, 2015, 09:01 AM)
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I have the latest process hacker. I don't see any utility to total the memory usage for process instances.
If you get an error from running a posh script, just read the given message to solved that issue.
If you ask for help, give details what and how you do things and which error you get, best, copy there & paste here.
I just found my crystal bowl broken, sorry :P
-AbteriX (July 01, 2015, 09:05 AM)
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I already mentioned twice there was no error message. This is not worth spending more time on. Thanks for the input.
Here a quick normal windows script
--- ---@echo off
set /a total=0
for /f "tokens=5 delims=," %%a in ('tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq chrome*" /FO CSV /NH') do set /a total+=%%a
echo %total%MB
set total=Of course instead a fix name like "chrome" you can use %1 to use argument on commandline.
For Process Hacker, you must hover the mouse pointer on the systray icon of the program for some seconds, and that's show up the window, unfortunately only in this windows the process are grouped.
For Process Hacker, you must hover the mouse pointer on the systray icon of the program for some seconds, and that's show up the window, unfortunately only in this windows the process are grouped.
-DK2IT (July 01, 2015, 09:23 AM)
--- End quote ---
Thanks. I see it now. :)
Edit: btw your script works. :)
--- ---@echo off
set /a total=0
for /f "tokens=5 delims=," %%a in ('tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq %1*" /FO CSV /NH') do set /a total+=%%a
echo %total%MB
set total=
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