Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room
Laptop tray - for your lap [Recommendations?]
App needs to start a blog with all here crazy life hacks.
-mouser (July 04, 2015, 07:47 PM)
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This! +1
App needs to start a blog with all here crazy life hacks.
-mouser (July 04, 2015, 07:47 PM)
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This! +1
-wraith808 (July 04, 2015, 09:11 PM)
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The problem with that is I don't even know what is or is not a life hack until someone has a problem that needs solving and I look at how I solved a similar problem or how I would solve it. It just comes so naturally to me that I don't really give it much of a thought. And apparently, it's something that runs in my family, and none of us consider it to be much of a special skill. We are all just natural problem solvers and will use whatever we have access to, to do it.
My cutting boards are a recent attempt to have "husband proof" placemats on my kitchen table, with enough weight to keep the table cloth from sliding. I would have used clear glass cutting boards or even a big round custom cut glass table topper, but that's not "husband proof", and therefore not worth spending the money on.
And my daughter's idea for the cookie cooling rack came from an immediate need to have something to elevate her laptop off the table to allow air circulation, that could replace her previous method of using 4 empty tuna cans. (her boyfriend, not knowing any better, tossed her tuna cans out with the recycling, so she went looking around his apartment for something else to use, and ended up borrowing one of the cooling racks she found in his kitchen.)
Oh, and the other problem is that I haven't figured out how to lifehack myself a decent digital camera, yet, to take pics for a blog. :P
Oh, and the other problem is that I haven't figured out how to lifehack myself a decent digital camera, yet, to take pics for a blog. :P
-app103 (July 05, 2015, 01:28 AM)
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ebay? (we're not going to let you get away with it, we all want you to start that blog ;D :Thmbsup:)
Oh, and the other problem is that I haven't figured out how to lifehack myself a decent digital camera, yet, to take pics for a blog. :P
-app103 (July 05, 2015, 01:28 AM)
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ebay? (we're not going to let you get away with it, we all want you to start that blog ;D :Thmbsup:)
-Ath (July 05, 2015, 03:38 AM)
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I do have every intention to get myself a camera, hopefully before the end of the year, but if you want to see that blog, you guys are going to have to make sure you submit problems for me to solve, on a regular basis. ;)
If you have a flat, level tray of some sort, that is comfortable to your lap, you can just stick a cookie cooling rack on top to provide better ventilation for your laptop. My daughter and I use one on a table, with our laptops. (it was her idea, so I bought a 2-pack)
-app103 (July 04, 2015, 06:33 PM)
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I'll have to find out what these things are called in German so I can order here :-)
(Not being a baker of things, I wouldnt even have known what to call them in English.)
Cause I like the idea -
I was thinking I could lay one above the other, with something in-between so they stay separate - that way I'd be kept cool as well as the laptop. (It's been over 100°F / 38°C for the last few days now - and it's still not air-conditioning country...)
Also the angle would be better: if I work even for a short while with my hands bent at the wrist, my wrists start complaining (and they're [I'm] having to work extra hard at the moment being on crutches).
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