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CHS on Linux

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Does anyone have any experience with CHS on Linux? I've been working on a VM of Mint 17.1 (mate), in WMWare Player on Win7, all 32 bit. I copied the my documents \ chs folder over to Mint. CHS seems to have picked up the database fine, but not all the settings, which is weird (missing some hotkeys; the Presets are there).

The immediate problem I'm having is in making Ctrl-Alt- hotkeys work. But I'm wondering if the constraints of operating in a VM window have anything to do with that. I've exited CHS in Windows during the testing.


I've tried some of mouser's software using Wine and my experience is usually that it almost seems to work, but not quite.  May be if enough of us bug him often enough he'll consider Wine as an official target :)

It would be a great thing. I'm repeatedly hearing serious talk of embracing linux - from top-level Windows tech guys. They see where MS is taking this thing - and it looks to be a closed-ecosystem like Apple's, all kinds of information collection, nagging sale of services, and the eclipse of independent software - and they don't like it.

At the same time, Linux for the desktop is ready. It's still not as polished as Windows, but it's not far away either.

It would be a great thing. I'm repeatedly hearing serious talk of embracing linux - from top-level Windows tech guys. They see where MS is taking this thing - and it looks to be a closed-ecosystem like Apple's, all kinds of information collection, nagging sale of services, and the eclipse of independent software - and they don't like it.

At the same time, Linux for the desktop is ready. It's still not as polished as Windows, but it's not far away either.
-Paul1149 (June 24, 2015, 11:01 PM)
--- End quote ---

I suspect MS feels the desktop hobbyist/aficionado is expendable.  Ordinary users will get W preloaded when they buy a desktop.  They may lose some shrink-wrap sales.  But that will be more than offset by the device market revenue.

I think soon if you want to keep control of your own system then you will be running Windows < 8 or some other OS like Linux.

It is funny because I was just reading on the web that even though it never made it to a 64 bit OS there are some hobbyists and businesses that will not abandon OS/2.  I didn't investigate what the new incarnation of it costs.  Apparently there is a commercial entity that supports it.  Now the name is eComStation

I have no idea what hardware it supports etc..

Hey Miles. Funny coincidence, but one of the references to tech-saavy Windows guys I was thinking of was the fascinating thread over at SF which you participated in, which I'm reading right now.


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