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WildGem 1.1
Oh nice! Better get working on that Load button and batch processing functionality ;)
Thanks for the update! :Thmbsup:
Just to add something interesting I discovered. Find and replace is almost 10x faster in WildGem compared to Notepad++, at least for many use-cases. I tried replacing tons of commas with a tab character in a 10MB file when I found that. Notepad++ took around a minute compare to 7 seconds in WildGem. I can imagine for 100MB or even 1GB files that this could be very useful to know. (make sure you turn 'Realtime' off in Wildgem for large operations like this).
(Btw, version 1.21 is out which allows you to isolate the matches).
Twinbee, what's the maximum file size in terms of number of characters (or any other measure that defines its limits) that WildGem can handle?
Well, in theory around 1.5-2GB, since it uses the Scintilla text component which I think also has that limit. I tried with a 700MB text file, and everything seemed fine.
How much were you hoping for? If you really want to go over 2GB, then I could reprogram it a little so all replacements are done behind the scenes. That should theoretically allow 'unlimited' file sizes if you have a 64bit OS and enough memory.
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