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Maxthon Browser Users: Maybe one of you has already solved this
Sounds like a meeting of AA :)
"My name is 4wd and I am a download whore."
Well I used to be but I never bothered keeping info on links/pages where I got downloads, just looking at the file name as was downloaded is usually enough to tell me what the file/program was for or did. The few times my memory failed me it was always a simple matter to look at the properties of either the installer or installed program to give me enough info to find it again.
I look at tackling a search engine as an exercise in lateral thinking rather than a chore ... I always find something interesting even if it's not what I was originally after.
I look at tackling a search engine as an exercise in lateral thinking rather than a chore ... I always find something interesting even if it's not what I was originally after.
-4wd (June 17, 2015, 12:27 AM)
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Well, lately the engines are getting pretty bad about ignoring stuff in "advanced search". I used to get results by building clever queries purposely designed to only return like 5 results.
Now the engine goes "ho hum, include exact phrase? Nah. Let's just give you stuff. Filenames? Like 'StrmExt'? Nah, I'm sure you meant 'Storm Extension' so let's give you a lot of building contractor sites!"
Let's just give you stuff. Filenames? Like 'StrmExt'?-TaoPhoenix (June 17, 2015, 12:40 AM)
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They must like you, top result in Google, Yahoo, and StartPage was StrmExt.dll on x64 Windows for me, (not bad considering I'd never used Yahoo before).
Here's a Paste to ADS version in Powershell (needs v3+), requires no external programs and trims the URL to the last occurrence of '/':
--- Code: PowerShell ---############################################################################### Paste2ADS.ps1#### Uses: Get-Clipboard by Lee Holmes ( <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the text contents of the Windows Clipboard and write to file ADS .EXAMPLE PS >Paste2ADS.ps1 somefile.exe #> param ( [string]$file = $(throw "Paste2ADS.ps1 <file>")) function Get-Clipboard{ Set-StrictMode -Version Latest PowerShell -NoProfile -STA -Command{ Add-Type -Assembly PresentationCore [Windows.Clipboard]::GetText() }} $clip = (Get-Clipboard) $count = [regex]::matches($clip,"/").countif ($count -gt 2) { $text = $clip.SubString(0, $clip.LastIndexOf("/") + 1)} Set-Content -Path $file -Value $text -Stream 'URL'
It's assumed to live in C:\Scripts otherwise edit the Paste2ADSps_install.reg file to reflect wherever you've put it.
Let's just give you stuff. Filenames? Like 'StrmExt'?-TaoPhoenix (June 17, 2015, 12:40 AM)
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They must like you, top result in Google, Yahoo, and StartPage was StrmExt.dll on x64 Windows for me, (not bad considering I'd never used Yahoo before).
-4wd (June 17, 2015, 01:37 AM)
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Bleh! Serves me right for "making up conceptual examples"! Just saying that I'm getting a lot of non-exact matches even on Advanced Searches.
" The few times my memory failed me it was always a simple matter to look at the properties of either the installer or installed program to give me enough info to find it again. :tellme: :'( "
BUT You are a YOUNG "Whipper-Snapper" 4WD Look at me That is a Real Pic! (well... Not the sword part :) ) :D
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