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Free Task Manager total resources for multiple instances?
What if you show the Process Memory->Virtual Size column in Process Explorer?
(see attachment in previous post)
Actually, while that figure for Dragon seemed reasonable, some of the figures reported by other processes are a bit large.
-4wd (June 12, 2015, 10:54 PM)
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With chrome the parent process virtual memory is less than even the largest single child, not to mention the sum of the children. I guess nobody feels a need for it. Or multi-instance is new enough it hasn't trickled into features. I guess right now mostly browsers are doing it. But I think soon many programs will run multiple instances. At least for desktop programs.
To get the total memory of a multi-process you can use a little PowerShell script (taken from here)
--- ---$chrome = get-process chrome -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($chrome -ne $null)
$m = ps chrome | measure PM -Sum ; ("chrome Physical Memory {0:N2}MB " -f ($m.sum / 1mb))
$m = ps chrome | measure WS -Sum ; ("chrome Working Set {0:N0}MB " -f ($m.sum / 1mb))
I've found that Working Set seem to give a better indication of real memory occupation.
Of course you can change process name and obtain memory usage for others multi-process applications, like opera, iexplore etc.
(with this system you can also sum several process like Firefox + plugin-container + FlashPlayerPlugin)
Or, you can use Process Hacker, the latest release (v2.36) include a tray popup window (can be sticky) that show the memory / cpu usage of most active processes,
and for multi-process app show the sum of all process (also for cpu!).
To get the total memory of a multi-process you can use a little PowerShell script
-DK2IT (June 30, 2015, 02:19 PM)
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Thanks for the script and the tip. :Thmbsup:
I could write a program by the time I can figure out how to turn this thing on. I guess that's why I've never used Powershell. The enable command line never does.
Edit: got it to stop giving an error. But when I run the script it just comes back to the prompt. No busy cursor, no output no nothing.
But when I run the script it just comes back to the prompt. No busy cursor, no output no nothing.-MilesAhead (June 30, 2015, 03:33 PM)
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Works for me (execution and a kind of result).
Just copy the whole code into a PoSh console and press enter twice.
Or, if the code is in a *.ps1 text file, add a PoSh-kind of PAUSE statement, one way is this:
--- Code: C++ ---$myProcess = "TOTALCMD"$ProcessData = get-process $myProcess -ErrorAction SilentlyContinueif ($ProcessData -ne $null){ $m = ps $myProcess | measure PM -Sum ; ("$myProcess Physical Memory {0:N2}MB " -f ($m.sum / 1mb)) $m = ps $myProcess | measure WS -Sum ; ("$myProcess Working Set {0:N0}MB " -f ($m.sum / 1mb))}read-host Done! Press Enter to exit...
TOTALCMD Physical Memory 16,13MB
TOTALCMD Working Set 30MB
Done! Press Enter to exit...:-Result
--- End quote ---
Or is it smtg other?
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