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A short history of Google's algorithm updates
Hello everyone. For many of us, Google is ubiquitous throughout our daily lives. I thought it would be interesting to share an article that was posted recently - it covers some of the main algorithmic changes that have occurred in Google's products.
What surprised me the most was April 2015 - MobileGeddon. Websites that aren't mobile friendly or responsive will be given the lowest priority in search results, or removed altogether.
Here is a link to the article, and a shout-out to mouser for calling me out on my derpness in forgetting the actual link.
Have a good day, everyone.
Nice find... MobileGeddon is going to hurt DC in the short term, but we're moving to a CMS and upgraded forum this year (already started working on the conversion) so we should be ok before too long.
Yeah - and worst case scenario, even if non-responsive/non-mobile-friendly sites are removed from search results, I'm fairly certain DC will still find itself in the search results through being mentioned on sites that have already implemented said responsiveness/mobile-friendliness.
I'm a grumpy old bird, so to me this "mobile-geddon" thing feels really weird. "Oh, your site doesn't have a mobile version? Well, okay, so Google won't bother reporting searches for it!"
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