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Excuse The Dumb Question, but I'm Generally Curious

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FYI I don't do any of the social media things (apparently you have to have 'friends') so I can't help you, but there are a few here who do so good luck!!

FYI I don't do any of the social media things (apparently you have to have 'friends') so I can't help you, but there are a few here who do so good luck!!
-Target (June 09, 2015, 10:13 PM)
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Okay, thanks!

Edit: Whoops, I finally realized this was in the wrong Child Board. Do you think any mods can move this to the "Post New Requests" board, please? Sorry if I'm being bothersome...  :(

Does this help?

Does this help?
-4wd (June 09, 2015, 10:34 PM)
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Stat counter was actually a virus. I used it once and it gave my computer a virus  :-\


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