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sharepoint question

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seems good solution, would try asap, but my pc admin has disabled me changing folder options and has disabled cmd access! lol!

And does your admin also stop you from running programs not installed on the computer?

There are plenty of rename utilities available, eg. Bulk Rename (no install) <- download link


--- Code: PowerShell ---Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.url" | Rename-Item -NewName {$ -replace '.url','.htm' }
Tell your admin to do it?

If the admin(s) closed off access to the command-line, he/she/they should definitely have closed down PowerShell. The latter is much more powerful.

With no access, do you mean: you are not allowed to start the command-line box or are you not allowed to run batch scripts? If only the first is true, then use a (portable) text editor, create the batch file in there and execute it after you saved it in the folder where you need to rename your files (your user account proved to have read/write rights there).

4wd is right about asking your admin(s) to do this. That or do what it takes to get promoted to admin status in your place of employment...which would be handier, if the renaming job is a recurring job.  :P

If the admin(s) closed off access to the command-line, he/she/they should definitely have closed down PowerShell. The latter is much more powerful.
-Shades (May 16, 2015, 08:45 PM)
--- End quote ---

he hasn't! lol!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  :P :P :P

but renaming .url to .htm doesn't go to the website unfortunately (I thought it did because I didn't realize it actually renamed to .htm.url)
so what should an htm file contain in order to visit an url?

<iframe src=""></iframe>

Put the line above in a html file and open that html file in a browser.


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