If you feel adventurous, on the websites there are a number of other emulators, for example one for CP/M. 
A CP/M emulator? My first serious taste of the command prompt that, arguably, is still with us now? Brilliant! Let me at it!

[Just because I have the urge to reminisce: my first proper computer job was Z80-based systems that were primarily turnkey word processors but ran CP/M 2.2 if you had the right boot floppy. I got given the push from that job because the -- now defunct -- company decided that a computer department just was never going to be a useful thing to have. The last thing I ever did there, before they told me I was leaving, was recover some valuable but not backed up pharmaceutical research data from a 5.25" floppy disk that had been used by some twit as a coffee mat. I used a pristine new floppy disk, the case from another, a scalpel and a disk sector editor called, if memory serves, DU. First time I ever did the (apparently!) impossible, over 30 years ago, and that's a bug that never really leaves you.]