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TV shows thread
Personally I love the Walking Dead comic, and think the tv show is absolute unwatchable crap. Just terrible acting, directing, writing, the whole 9 yards, terrible.
It's hard for me to put my finger on the core of why it falls so flat for me, but i think the inability to resist trying to come up with grosser and grosser scenes of gore and faces getting smashed reveals what the producers/writers/directors think makes a good show. All of the emotions just feel unearned and fake to me..
Been watching Daredevil on Netflix. Best superhero tv show I've seen. If you have Netflix, try it. All of the episodes are up at the same time. I'm through 8 out of 13, and wish there were more.
Personally I love the Walking Dead comic, and think the tv show is absolute unwatchable crap. Just terrible acting, directing, writing, the whole 9 yards, terrible.
It's hard for me to put my finger on the core of why it falls so flat for me, but i think the inability to resist trying to come up with grosser and grosser scenes of gore and faces getting smashed reveals what the producers/writers/directors think makes a good show. All of the emotions just feel unearned and fake to me..
-mouser (March 31, 2015, 06:54 PM)
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Being fair... a lot of the zombies are older and more decayed, and thus... messier.
Regarding the emotions... sigh... few TV shows manage to live up there. I try not to let it get in the way of enjoying the show -- it's not like there's a lot of choice for the genre out there.
Most characters are cardboard. Even great actors can't salvage some characters. To some degree, the character needs to already be a part of the actor. And that's the job of casting to get that right.
Acting is also a product of the time. Just look at 1940s, 50s, 60s... etc... movies or TV shows. "Casablanca" is a bit corny now. Audience expectations matter a lot. "The man with no name" -- fantastic character, but does he live up to it now in 2015? Or to the same degree?
Good depth of character is rare. But I don't think the broader audience really wants that depth -- they want something simple and easy to "peg" and understand.
Been watching Daredevil on Netflix. Best superhero tv show I've seen. If you have Netflix, try it. All of the episodes are up at the same time. I'm through 8 out of 13, and wish there were more.
-wraith808 (April 15, 2015, 08:28 AM)
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I skipped watching it as I've found too many of the comic book shows/movies are just... not for me. I used to love comics, but the shows & movies have turned me off entirely.
But you and I share quite a few similar tastes... I'll give it a shot when I have a chance. Another friend introduced me to a few shows that I'd dismissed as "probably really stupid" and they turned out to be darn good.
Been watching Daredevil on Netflix. Best superhero tv show I've seen. If you have Netflix, try it. All of the episodes are up at the same time. I'm through 8 out of 13, and wish there were more.
-wraith808 (April 15, 2015, 08:28 AM)
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I skipped watching it as I've found too many of the comic book shows/movies are just... not for me. I used to love comics, but the shows & movies have turned me off entirely.
But you and I share quite a few similar tastes... I'll give it a shot when I have a chance. Another friend introduced me to a few shows that I'd dismissed as "probably really stupid" and they turned out to be darn good.
-Renegade (April 15, 2015, 09:56 AM)
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Daredevil is a lot about the effects of the larger world-shattering decisions on the little guy. And there are no good/bad right/wrong dichotomies enforced by the writing. At least, so far. And the characterizations of most characters are really good, as is the actual cinematography. In the second episode there is almost an honest to goodness one-shot that is utterly incredible. Some people say they cheated in a couple of places... I don't know that from Adam. But I do know that you don't see that level of quality on TV often.
Daredevil is a lot about the effects of the larger world-shattering decisions on the little guy. And there are no good/bad right/wrong dichotomies enforced by the writing. At least, so far. And the characterizations of most characters are really good, as is the actual cinematography. In the second episode there is almost an honest to goodness one-shot that is utterly incredible. Some people say they cheated in a couple of places... I don't know that from Adam. But I do know that you don't see that level of quality on TV often.
-wraith808 (April 15, 2015, 10:22 AM)
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Well, I've checked out a few episodes, and I will certainly agree that the script is good, but not the cinematography. It's too dark. It's hard to see everything when 90% of shots are at night with no lights. Even the daytime shots are dark. It's a bit much. In places the audio is muddled with background noise. But, that's just me complaining. The stories are good. The actors are good.
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