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Program to override usual window close button with superfast TerminateProcess?

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I'm often looking for enhancements to improve Windows. Is there any program I can use to over-ride the usual close functionality with something a little....nippier?

You may notice when you quit a crashed program with the standard close button, it still takes a while to close. Using the task manager on the other hand is usually a much faster experience. Yes, I know it's supposed to be 'dangerous', but I'm prepared to experiment with the feature, and if I run into any problems I can always fall back to the old, slow way of exiting a crashed app. Perhaps the program I'm looking for could detect if it's crashed and end it quicker than Windows usually would. Or maybe a side-feature will allow you to close it normally by clicking Ctrl and the close button.

On a related note, a browser I used to use called Opera took *so* long to close, that I always ended up quitting it with the task manager just to save time and prevent the HD from thrashing. I never suffered any ill effects as a result.

On a related note, a browser I used to use called Opera took *so* long to close, that I always ended up quitting it with the task manager just to save time and prevent the HD from thrashing. I never suffered any ill effects as a result.
-Twinbee (March 26, 2015, 01:30 PM)
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I'll remark that I've def seen ill effects from "hard closing" applications. On the browser side, in FF / PaleMoon, if it crashes or if you kill it, when you restart it tries (helpfully) to reload all your tabs. So you should decide what to do about that.

On other applications, I've definitely noticed lost data depending on how the program saves. So be careful!

I'm finding ProcessCloser very useful.  It sits in Tray.  Left click the Tray Icon to pop up a window.  Drag from that window to the window of the program you want to close.  You can set it to Close or Kill.  Also I find it good to disable the confirmation dialog since it can pop up behind the dead window.

It is smart enough not to try to close the Desktop.  :)

It has optional "program not responding" detection too.  A nice bit of freeware.

For programs with a top level visible window it is very quick.  No need to type in the process name or scroll through a list of running processes.


Def check out the settings - I set it to "do not confirm" and a couple other things.

If I'm gonna go to that much effort to nuke something, I don't want the confirm box!

Thanks, looks pretty good - I might start using that. I'd like to get rid of the *other* confirmation box when it detects a program has crashed though.

But even better than this would be to allow a hotkey to force close the active/crashed window.

You can't set the detection level less than 15 seconds either which seems a bit arbitrary.


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