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Windows 10 will be free for "genuine and non-genuine" users
So, in order to get a free upgrade to Win10, you have to be willing NOT to do a clean install?
To add to the confusion.. talk about ISOs being available after all:
I think once you upgraded and got a license key, you could then find an ISO online somewhere and install fresh, using your spiffy new license key. But I could be wrong about that.
I think once you upgraded and got a license key, you could then find an ISO online somewhere and install fresh, using your spiffy new license key. But I could be wrong about that.
-Deozaan (March 20, 2015, 01:32 PM)
--- End quote ---
On when the second preview build was provided via update only some people put together tools to extract the iso image from the update. I guess MS realized they weren't going to keep them under wraps that way. On the next preview release they also provided the ISO files a bit later. I managed to use the tools to extract the image but I could barely keep my VM functional. I had to disable a bunch of services and defrag multiple times to get there. I'm glad MS decided to save me all that aggravation in the next build release. :)
I wasn't able to update my Win 10 preview using Windows update. It tried, but said there was an error and that my previous version had been restored.
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