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10th Anniversary - long time member check-in thread

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One of the things I wish for to celebrate the 10th anniversary of DonationCoder is to hear briefly from some of our long time olden-days members who have gone awol and haven't posted in a long time.

You don't have to say much of anything if you don't want to -- a simple "hello" would do, just so we could see your avatars and smile.

Even better would be if you gave us an update on your life, your hobbies, projects, etc.  No need to explain why you have moved on from DC -- just give a little hello for those of us who remember you fondly.

I really hope to see some posts here from our lost members -- it would make me very happy.

Bounty hunters activate! Here are the top 122 lost sheep, who haven't posted in at least 300 days, and have made 100 or more posts in the past:
* f0dder - posts: 8774, last: Thursday June 13, 2013
* nudone - posts: 4116, last: Saturday December 01, 2012
* Lashiec - posts: 2374, last: Wednesday May 29, 2013
* brotherS - posts: 2105, last: Monday October 15, 2012
* tinjaw - posts: 1926, last: Sunday February 05, 2012
* urlwolf - posts: 1784, last: Saturday April 19, 2014
* wreckedcarzz - posts: 1620, last: Wednesday April 24, 2013
* kartal - posts: 1529, last: Tuesday December 03, 2013
* PhilB66 - posts: 1510, last: Wednesday September 18, 2013
* Eoin - posts: 1400, last: Wednesday February 29, 2012
* housetier - posts: 1321, last: Tuesday May 03, 2011
* Ehtyar - posts: 1236, last: Tuesday March 12, 2013
* timns - posts: 1209, last: Tuesday January 08, 2013
* iphigenie - posts: 1166, last: Sunday May 04, 2014
* tranglos - posts: 1079, last: Friday November 23, 2012
* Veign - posts: 993, last: Tuesday September 27, 2011
* Ralf Maximus - posts: 927, last: Friday December 05, 2008
* KenR - posts: 825, last: Sunday January 06, 2013
* Grorgy - posts: 820, last: Wednesday October 05, 2011
* PPLandry - posts: 691, last: Monday January 27, 2014
* sri - posts: 673, last: Thursday October 18, 2012
* sajman99 - posts: 663, last: Friday May 09, 2014
* nontroppo - posts: 648, last: Tuesday February 17, 2009
* scancode - posts: 636, last: Sunday April 27, 2014
* Rover - posts: 628, last: Friday June 21, 2013
* Nighted - posts: 572, last: Wednesday October 08, 2008
* Hirudin - posts: 542, last: Sunday September 12, 2010
* nitrix-ud - posts: 482, last: Monday April 23, 2012
* Wordzilla - posts: 470, last: Friday April 04, 2008
* VideoInPicture - posts: 467, last: Saturday December 06, 2008
* mitzevo - posts: 460, last: Sunday December 15, 2013
* db90h - posts: 455, last: Saturday July 21, 2012
* tinyvillager - posts: 444, last: Friday January 04, 2008
* patteo - posts: 436, last: Tuesday December 17, 2013
* mrainey - posts: 433, last: Thursday April 19, 2012
* m_s - posts: 432, last: Thursday August 05, 2010
* edbro - posts: 425, last: Thursday October 03, 2013
* Bamse - posts: 410, last: Sunday February 27, 2011
* ecaradec - posts: 408, last: Tuesday September 17, 2013
* Markham - posts: 404, last: Thursday August 19, 2010
* moerl - posts: 404, last: Sunday June 28, 2009
* masu - posts: 401, last: Sunday May 22, 2011
* Scott - posts: 377, last: Thursday January 21, 2010
* wr975 - posts: 369, last: Monday June 03, 2013
* JeffK - posts: 362, last: Tuesday May 12, 2009
* kimmchii - posts: 360, last: Wednesday October 13, 2010
* vegas - posts: 352, last: Monday September 23, 2013
* czb - posts: 335, last: Saturday April 13, 2013
* Ruffnekk - posts: 331, last: Monday December 03, 2012
* MrCrispy - posts: 330, last: Monday September 23, 2013
* SKesselman - posts: 317, last: Monday March 01, 2010
* pilgrim - posts: 316, last: Sunday June 16, 2013
* Cpilot - posts: 293, last: Thursday April 28, 2011
* gjehle - posts: 285, last: Saturday December 07, 2013
* Coeluh - posts: 273, last: Monday November 23, 2009
* dk70 - posts: 269, last: Saturday May 26, 2007
* icekin - posts: 263, last: Friday October 07, 2011
* skywalka - posts: 253, last: Monday July 22, 2013
* gexecuter - posts: 252, last: Sunday January 16, 2011
* Redhat - posts: 249, last: Saturday December 28, 2013
* siouxdax - posts: 247, last: Saturday June 15, 2013
* johnk - posts: 245, last: Wednesday March 19, 2014
* mediaguycouk - posts: 244, last: Wednesday May 04, 2011
* SkyIDE - posts: 244, last: Thursday June 30, 2011
* ljbirns - posts: 229, last: Friday July 08, 2011
* Tekzel - posts: 227, last: Tuesday July 06, 2010
* momonan - posts: 227, last: Wednesday February 15, 2012
* ak_ - posts: 223, last: Sunday March 27, 2011
* jdd - posts: 214, last: Tuesday December 25, 2012
* Jammo the OrganizedFellow - posts: 212, last: Sunday August 18, 2013
* JennyB - posts: 209, last: Tuesday July 24, 2012
* mwang - posts: 204, last: Thursday May 26, 2011
* bgd77 - posts: 203, last: Saturday November 20, 2010
* clif_notes - posts: 198, last: Sunday July 18, 2010
* Cavalcader - posts: 192, last: Monday September 12, 2011
* jdmarch - posts: 185, last: Sunday October 21, 2012
* OldElmerFudd - posts: 181, last: Friday August 13, 2010
* BigJim - posts: 178, last: Sunday May 29, 2011
* mnemonic - posts: 176, last: Thursday July 28, 2011
* Archon of Fate - posts: 174, last: Wednesday September 18, 2013
* thunder7 - posts: 169, last: Wednesday December 21, 2011
* Outertech Support - posts: 168, last: Thursday May 23, 2013
* alivingspirit - posts: 165, last: Thursday March 14, 2013
* lotusrootstarch - posts: 160, last: Monday July 01, 2013
* Codebyte - posts: 160, last: Monday November 01, 2010
* taichimaster - posts: 159, last: Tuesday September 11, 2012
* Gerome - posts: 154, last: Sunday October 08, 2006
* tmpusr - posts: 154, last: Sunday March 04, 2012
* Dr-Leech - posts: 151, last: Wednesday February 25, 2009
* delwoode - posts: 142, last: Sunday January 08, 2012
* vitalyb - posts: 141, last: Wednesday November 27, 2013
* electronixtar - posts: 141, last: Sunday March 27, 2011
* RedPillow - posts: 140, last: Wednesday June 15, 2011
* Kamel - posts: 138, last: Tuesday June 07, 2011
* superticker - posts: 138, last: Friday August 23, 2013
* bmms - posts: 137, last: Wednesday March 26, 2014
* vixay - posts: 137, last: Thursday April 19, 2012
* LuckMan212 - posts: 137, last: Thursday October 01, 2009
* tenseiken - posts: 136, last: Wednesday December 31, 1969
* Bionic71 - posts: 134, last: Thursday January 17, 2013
* doctorfrog - posts: 134, last: Monday November 18, 2013
* hpearce - posts: 132, last: Friday November 22, 2013
* Sentinel - posts: 130, last: Sunday October 14, 2007
* seedling - posts: 129, last: Sunday January 24, 2010
* d4ni - posts: 128, last: Friday January 25, 2013
* brett - posts: 125, last: Saturday November 15, 2008
* herojoker - posts: 124, last: Friday May 01, 2009
* s.newave - posts: 124, last: Monday September 06, 2010
* city_zen - posts: 120, last: Saturday May 14, 2011
* TPReal - posts: 120, last: Monday December 30, 2013
* imtrobin - posts: 120, last: Sunday March 16, 2014
* parkint - posts: 119, last: Thursday November 18, 2010
* Davidtheo - posts: 119, last: Tuesday July 21, 2009
* suleika - posts: 117, last: Thursday July 23, 2009
* ChalkTrauma - posts: 116, last: Tuesday September 28, 2010
* cnewtonne - posts: 115, last: Wednesday January 26, 2011
* joby_toss - posts: 113, last: Wednesday February 05, 2014
* Loki15 - posts: 113, last: Monday July 27, 2009
* 2stepsback - posts: 110, last: Wednesday May 09, 2007
* Laughing Man - posts: 103, last: Tuesday November 20, 2007
* nevf - posts: 102, last: Tuesday January 22, 2013
* Rigel - posts: 100, last: Tuesday February 22, 2011
Bonus lost sheep: SKROMMEL, 40hz.

ps. even if you aren't on the top 122 list, I still want to hear from you if you haven't posted in a while!

Hello   :D ,

I am a member of the first days and still enjoy reading here nearly every day.

But have a hard time often also, since my English -away from computer terms- are
not existing and so mostly I avoid to read longer posts or even write myself an helpful answer.

I wish you all the best for the next ten years and kudos and thanks to the more actively members, especially to Jesse.  :Thmbsup:

 :-*  Thanks for keeping up and running.  :-*


AbteriX (aka Stefan) !!!!!
Great to hear from you buddy.  You made my day by posting.  :-*
Stefan helped a lot in the early days of Screenshot Captor especially.

AbteriX (aka Stefan) !!!!!
Great to hear from you buddy.  You made my day by posting.  :-*
Stefan helped a lot in the early days of Screenshot Captor especially.
-mouser (March 06, 2015, 10:57 AM)
--- End quote ---

and has helped me with being an auslander in Germany (and struggling with terminology & internet connections in a foreign language)
thanks Stefan :)

I have posted a list of the top lost sheep in the first post (see spoiler).. I will offer a reward to bounty hunters who can track down and convince lost sheep to post.  Warning: there appears to be one time traveler in the list -- approach with caution!
I urge all lost sheep to turn yourselves in for your own safety.


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