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DonationCoder 10th Anniversary plans, ideas, changes, fundraiser?

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I don't suppose there's any plans for a double walled stainless steel version of the DC mug - the one I won a few years ago only lasted about 9 times before it became a bottomless cup of coffee ... literally  ;D
 (see attachment in previous post)
-4wd (March 02, 2015, 08:10 PM)
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I'd love to see a good plastic mug.  The metal ones always have that black stuff where you put your mouth.  The taste of that can ruin the taste of any coffee.  The ceramics are way too heavy to carry.

New forum theme!
-rgdot (March 02, 2015, 06:09 PM)
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I vote for a "view first unread" button at the top of threads.  That way I can view the thread in chronological order and still get right to the first unread post.  Plus when people follow up with "^^^^" it won't point the wrong way.  :)

When are you planning for the fundraiser to begin?  And would we be interested in discounts/giveaways to go along with the fundraiser?  The well has pretty much dried up, but I might be able to get some of our discount heroes to help us out...

When are you planning for the fundraiser to begin?  And would we be interested in discounts/giveaways to go along with the fundraiser?  The well has pretty much dried up, but I might be able to get some of our discount heroes to help us out...
-wraith808 (March 03, 2015, 07:39 AM)
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I can think of a suggestion (for a discount) but maybe best not to start making suggestions here?

I've had mixed feelings about the discounts/giveaways in recent years, for two reasons:  First, without a consistent, sustained effort that lasts indefinitely, it doesn't gain traction or attention.  The second has more to do with an existential struggle with the nature of the site, and what we should be focusing on, and what we do well, and the (non-financial) costs associated with trying to do too many different things..  Lately the dominant thought i keep hearing in my head is one telling me to reduce the sprawl and narrow the focus.   While at the same time it pains me that this is yet another example of folks volunteering to do something for the benefit of the site and me being less than enthusiastic. This gets at part of what i think we need to find a solution to.


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