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64 bit Explorer copy replacement?

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Re: Folder Redirection:

Is there some specific feature that you're looking for?  Not knowing what you're specifically not liking nor needing makes making recommendations problematic, as seen by the recommendation given and the response to the same.

Re: Folder Redirection:

Is there some specific feature that you're looking for?  Not knowing what you're specifically not liking nor needing makes making recommendations problematic, as seen by the recommendation given and the response to the same.
-wraith808 (March 02, 2015, 01:58 PM)
--- End quote ---

I'm talking about the folder redirection done by the 32 bit emulator.  There are many programs with Windows\System32 hard wired.  If they didn't intercept it and redirect it to Windows\SysWow64 the 32 bit programs would not run.  Windows\System32 now has 64 bit drivers,Dlls etc..

Likewise keys in the registry used by 32 bit programs are redirected.
All I can think of is MS did not want to have to rewrite their own code when porting it to 64 bit.

As for the Explorer replacement it looks like my choices will be limited to free 64 bit ones I can find.  There may not be that many to try.  But basically I think I would like to try those with the ability to remove jobs that haven't been started from the list, pause resume.. including recovery from system interruption etc..  None are mandatory but at least on W 8.0 the built in Explorer is kind of a dog.  By the time it pops up the graph with the sine wave, most other copiers would be done with the job, unless the files are large.  It's just slow off the dime.


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