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Sorry, Ebooks. These 9 Studies Show Why Print Is Better

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New e-reader Paper display with fast refresh?
-mouser (June 11, 2020, 09:03 PM)
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Or not?

Update: An earlier version of this article referred to the Hisense Q5 as a tablet with an E Ink display, but it appears this tablet’s grayscale display may actually be a reflective LCD screen. This could give it a faster screen refresh rate while still enabling high outdoor visibility without a backlight. But it may not feature the high contract and lower power consumption associated with E Ink displays.
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Here's one that has a real e-ink display.. Uses Android. Refresh rates are slow but it has a big 10.3 inch screen and a nice pen:

Onyx Boox Note2

With Kindle as the only big exception e-ink displays for reading and note taking is a technology that always seems to be on the verge of mass market breakthrough yet never seems to get there.

These are exactly the kind of reasons that made me first write sumatra_earmarks (earmarks!) and later the much better sumatra_highlight_helper (3 color text highlighting! Color dots! Hotkeys to jump to prev/next/first/last highlight in pdf! Color filtered jumps! And with the jump feature the highlights can also function as earmarks!). -Nod5 (March 14, 2015, 07:37 AM)
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Since this thread has arisen from a 5 year slumber I'll give an update to my old comment: I have since then remade and renamed my helper tool for SumatraPDF to HighlightJump

Unfortunately recent SumatraPDF updates has introduced a bug to the highlights system that also breaks HighlightJump. But once that is sorted by the SumatraPDF dev I will release a working, updated version.


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