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Sorry, Ebooks. These 9 Studies Show Why Print Is Better

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For those that love the experience of reading books in print vs. digital, this may be of some comfort:

Don't lament the lost days of cutting your fingers on pristine new novels or catching a whiff of that magical, transportive old book smell just yet! A slew of recent studies shows that print books are still popular, even among millennials. What's more: further research suggests that this trend may save demonstrably successful learning habits from certain death. Take comfort in these 9 studies that show that print books have a promising future:
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More at the link.

I read in both formats, but, when it comes to more serious reading, I do like jotting notes down on the page or highlighting.

I do digital all the way.  I've gotten a few dead tree books, but I just don't read them; I go to my nook more than anything else.  Even my gaming books, I find that given the hard copy and the digital copy, the digital copy has been perused a few times- several of the hardcovers are on my gaming shelf untouched.

I prefer paper, but I'm trying to convince myself to add some digital capability.  Two reasons:

* Owing to changes in the publishing world, some current authors are only able to get published at all via e-books.  E.g., Sarah Ash.  I suspect this may become the only way to keep extensive back catalogues in print, apart maybe from print-on-demand sites like Lulu.
* Supposing I really do get round to reading them: Many of the blockbuster novels of the Nineteenth Century are fairly readily available, but usually as fat, heavy paperbacks printed in tiny fonts, e.g. the Penguin edition of Wilkie Collins' The Woman in White.  An e-reader would cut the weight and bulk while offering legible text.

I still much prefer reading academic articles on paper where it feels more real and i can mark things up.  old habits die hard.
Having said that, I have almost completely moved over to digital reading -- the practical advantages simply outweigh the negatives.

I prefer digital for reading and especially for making notes.

I feel like I'm destroying something when I write in a paper book. But in a digital book I feel free to make all the notes and highlights I want. Not only am I no longer restricted by margin space, but I also won't lose my notes due to the book getting worn out and/or destroyed.


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