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Looking for program that can copy folder hierarchy with checkboxes and size est.
I don't know... Seems more logical that if you checkmark a folder, then the contents should get checked.... YOu could then (optionally) uncheck some.
I don't know... Seems more logical that if you checkmark a folder, then the contents should get checked.... YOu could then (optionally) uncheck some.
-kunkel321 (March 09, 2015, 09:57 AM)
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yeah - that's what me and mouser meant
although I see he's more interested in folders:
A flat source file list may be useful in some cases, but not in my case -- I need to be able to quickly choose large folders from a hierarchy for copying.
-mouser (March 04, 2015, 02:54 PM)
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As it turns out, XY v15 seems to have made some changes to how checkboxes are handled. I haven't had time to experiment with it yet. As far as quickly identifying the larger folders: I personally would use filtering, or color coding, which XY can do, and I sure DO probably can too.
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