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Looking for program that can copy folder hierarchy with checkboxes and size est.
Yes. True. Copywhiz can perform these operations. Instead of ticking each item, you would need to include/exclude them by names.
Here's a screenshot of the XY thing, by the way...
A flat source file list may be useful in some cases, but not in my case -- I need to be able to quickly choose large folders from a hierarchy for copying.
The source (shown in the previous picture) is actually the results of a search. The actual files are being copied from different folders, which is why it gave me the "Rich Copy?" dialog... It does appear that you can 'find' by size too.
As mentioned before, all if this could be probably be scripted into a single command... There are script wizards on the forum. I'll post your OP there and then link this and that...
EDIT: Here you go Mouser,
You'll probably have to make a forum account if you want to post anything.
from the XY forum link:
Only thing to keep in mind: if you tick a folder AND any of its contents, these contents will be counted twice.
--- End quote ---
Odd, XYplorer seems to use the same system as Dopus (see image from above XY thread):
if you tick a folder, it's contents are selected, but the tickboxes for the files are left blank.
Maybe there is an advantage to that approach, but the disadvantage (as said above) is that when you want to select, say, 98% of the contents - you will have to tick each file individually - instead of simply deselecting a couple of files.
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