Software > Coding Snacks
Encode/decode cipher/decipher crypter/decrypter ASCII HEX Binary Base64 URL etc.
Just wanted to say welcome to the site lifeweaver, and thank you for sharing your code :up: :up: :up:
Just wanted to say welcome to the site lifeweaver, and thank you for sharing your code :up: :up: :up:
-mouser (July 23, 2015, 03:47 PM)
--- End quote ---
Thanks I've lurked fore a while and was glad to find something I could contribute to.
Have only just seen your responses. Thank you.
About to play with it now.
Thank you for taking the time on this, the way it works/ease of use is fantastic. Thanks for the copy to input and clipboard! The Smart Convert is great :)
Unfortunately some of the conversions aren't working correctly. Seems as though input is always (AFAICS) being read as ASCII.
For example:
- Anything to/from decimal [decimal 1 gives HEX 31 and binary 00110001] [decimal 255 gives decimal 50 53 53]
- HEX to binary is actually doing text to binary.
- Binary to HEX is actually doing text to hex.
Haven't checked B64, ROT13 and URLenc but didn't see anything unusual.
Also is it possible to have it encode to all types at once? i.e. Choose only the input type and it outputs to multiple text boxes, then each could be copied to clipboard, input box, etc.
Also I slightly altered just one thing in your script as any hex output would be missing a space after the 16th value.
--- ---#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance ignore
Help(wParam, lParam, Msg)
MouseGetPos,,,, OutputVarControl
IfEqual, OutputVarControl, Button1
Help := "Will try to convert the input multiple times if detected as Hex/Binary."
else IfEqual, OutputVarControl, Button2
Help := "Will replace your current clipboard"
ToolTip % Help
BINARY_REGEX := "^(\d{8}\s?)*$"
;~ BASE64_REGEX := "^([A-Za-z0-9+\/]{4})*([A-Za-z0-9+\/]{4}|[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{2}==)$"
HEX_REGEX := "^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}\s?)+$"
;~ DECIMAL_REGEX := "^([0-9]{2,3}\s?)+$"
if(RegExMatch(string, BINARY_REGEX))
return "Binary"
else if(RegExMatch(string, HEX_REGEX))
return "Hex"
return false
StrPutVar(string, ByRef var, encoding)
; Ensure capacity.
VarSetCapacity( var, StrPut(string, encoding)
; StrPut returns char count, but VarSetCapacity needs bytes.
* ((encoding="utf-16"||encoding="cp1200") ? 2 : 1) )
; Copy or convert the string.
return StrPut(string, &var, encoding)
determineEncodingFlag(encoding, crypt)
if(crypt = "encrypt")
if(encoding = "Binary")
return 0x00000002
else if(encoding = "BASE64")
return 0x40000001
else if(encoding = "Hex")
return 0x00000004
else if (crypt = "decrypt")
if(encoding = "Binary")
return 0x00000002
else if(encoding = "BASE64")
return 0x00000006
else if(encoding = "Hex")
return 0x00000008
encodeUTF8( ByRef OutData, InData, inputEncoding)
if(inputEncoding = "Binary")
OutData := TxtToBin(InData)
return StrLen(OutData)
encoding := determineEncodingFlag(inputEncoding, "encrypt")
InDataLen := StrPutVar(InData, InData, "UTF-8") - 1
DllCall( "Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToStringW", UInt,&InData, UInt,InDataLen, UInt,encoding, UInt,0, UIntP,TChars, "CDECL Int" )
VarSetCapacity( OutData, Req := TChars * ( A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1 ), 0 )
DllCall( "Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToStringW", UInt,&InData, UInt,InDataLen, UInt,encoding, Str,OutData, UIntP,Req, "CDECL Int" )
if(inputEncoding = "Hex")
StringReplace, OutData, OutData, %A_Space%%A_Space%, %A_Space%, All
; Not sure if I really want to remove the newlines for hex
StringReplace, OutData, OutData, `r`n, %A_Space%, All
Return TChars
decodeUTF8( ByRef OutData, InData, inputEncoding)
if(inputEncoding = "Binary")
OutData := BinToTxt(InData)
return StrLen(OutData)
encoding := determineEncodingFlag(inputEncoding, "decrypt")
DllCall( "Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinaryW", UInt,&InData, UInt,StrLen(InData), UInt,encoding, UInt,0, UIntP,Bytes, Int,0, Int,0, "CDECL Int" )
VarSetCapacity( OutData, Req := Bytes * ( A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1 ), 0 )
DllCall( "Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinaryW", UInt,&InData, UInt,StrLen(InData), UInt,encoding, Str,OutData, UIntP,Req, Int,0, Int,0, "CDECL Int" )
OutData := StrGet(&OutData, "cp0")
Return Bytes
{ ;
Loop Parse, txt
Loop 8
bin := bin (Asc(A_LoopField) >> (8 - A_Index) & 1)
bin .= " "
Return bin
{ ;
StringReplace, bin, bin, %A_Space%,,All
Loop Parse, bin
x += x + (A_LoopField = "1")
If !Mod(A_Index,8)
txt := txt Chr(x)
x = 0
Return txt
{ ; from LinearSpoon's Translation of The Worlds Shortest C Implementation of Rot13
Output := ""
Loop, Parse, string
a := ~Asc(A_LoopField)
Output .= Chr(~a-1//(~(a|32)//13*2-11)*13)
return Output
encoding := ""
Loop, Parse, string
encoding .= Asc(A_LoopField) . " "
return SubStr(encoding, 1, StrLen(encoding) - 1)
decoding := ""
Loop, Parse, string, %A_Space%
decoding .= Chr(A_LoopField)
return decoding
{ ; v 0.3 / (w) 24.06.2008 by derRaphael / zLib-Style release
b_Format := A_FormatInteger
data := ""
if ((Asc(A_LoopField)>0x7f) || (Asc(A_LoopField)<0x30) || (asc(A_LoopField)=0x3d))
data .= "%" . ((StrLen(c:=SubStr(ASC(A_LoopField),3))<2) ? "0" . c : c)
data .= A_LoopField
return data
{ ; v 0.1 / (w) 28.06.2008 by derRaphael / zLib-Style release
txt := (A_Index=1) ? A_LoopField : txt chr("0x" substr(A_LoopField,1,2)) SubStr(A_LoopField,3)
return txt
convertInputToText(string, inputEncoding)
if(inputEncoding = "BASE64")
decodeUTF8(decoded, string, "Base64")
else if(inputEncoding = "Binary")
decodeUTF8(decoded, string, "Binary")
else if(inputEncoding = "Decimal")
return decimal2Ascii(string)
else if(inputEncoding = "Hex")
decodeUTF8(decoded, string, "Hex")
else if(inputEncoding = "ROT13")
return Rot13(string)
else if(inputEncoding = "URI Encoded")
return uriDecode(string)
return decoded
convertInputToOutputEncoding(inputEncoding, string, outputEncoding)
if(outputEncoding = "BASE64")
encodeUTF8(encoded, string, "Base64")
else if(outputEncoding = "Binary")
encodeUTF8(encoded, string, "Binary")
else if(outputEncoding = "Decimal")
return ascii2Decimal(string)
else if(outputEncoding = "Hex")
encodeUTF8(encoded, string, "Hex")
else if(outputEncoding = "ROT13")
return Rot13(string)
else if(outputEncoding = "URI Encoded")
return uriEncode(string)
else if(outputEncoding = "")
return convertInputToText(string, inputEncoding)
else if(outputEncoding = "Text")
return convertInputToText(string, inputEncoding)
return encoded
Gui, Add, Text, x22 y20 w40 h20 , Input:
Gui, Add, DropDownList, x92 y20 w280 h20 vinputEncoding Choose1 R9, Text|BASE64|Binary|Decimal|Hex|ROT13|URI Encoded
;~ Gui, Add, Button, x452 y10 w110 h40 vguessEncoding gguessEncoding , Guess encoding
Gui, Add, Edit, x32 y60 w530 h270 vconverterInput ,
Gui, Add, Text, x22 y340 w40 h20 , Output:
Gui, Add, DropDownList, x92 y340 w280 h20 voutputEncoding goutputEncoding Choose1 R9, Text|BASE64|Binary|Decimal|Hex|ROT13|URI Encoded
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x462 y340 w100 h20 hwndsmartConvertHwnd vsmartConvert , Smart Convert?
Gui, Add, Edit, x32 y370 w530 h270 vconverterOutput ,
Gui, Add, Button, x32 y650 w140 h30 gcopyOutputToClipboard hwndcopyToClipboardHwnd , Copy Output to Clipboard
Gui, Add, Button, x242 y650 w150 h30 gcopyOutputToInput , Copy Output to Input
Gui, Add, Button, x462 y650 w100 h30 vencode gencode , Encode
; Generated using SmartGUI Creator 4.0
Gui, Show, xCenter yCenter h705 w585, Converter
OnMessage(0x200, "Help")
Gui, Submit, nohide
GuiControlGet, inputEncoding,, inputEncoding
GuiControlGet, converterInput,, converterInput
GuiControlGet, outputEncoding,, outputEncoding
GuiControlGet, smartConvertEnabled,, smartConvert
outputText := convertInputToOutputEncoding(inputEncoding, converterInput, outputEncoding)
result := DetermineEncoding(outputText)
While result != false && result != outputEncoding
outputText := convertInputToText(outputText, result)
result := DetermineEncoding(outputText)
Guicontrol,, converterOutput, %outputText%
GuiControlGet, ClipBoard,, converterOutput
GuiControlGet, currentOutputEncoding,, outputEncoding
GuiControlGet, output,, converterOutput
Guicontrol,, converterInput, %output%
Guicontrol,, converterOutput
GuiControl, ChooseString, inputEncoding, %currentOutputEncoding%
GuiControl, Choose, outputEncoding, 1
GuiControl, Enable, smartConvert
GuiControlGet, outputEncoding,, outputEncoding
if(outputEncoding != "Text")
GuiControl,, smartConvert, 0
GuiControl, Disable, smartConvert
else if(outputEncoding = "Text")
GuiControl, Enable, smartConvert
Thanks for the feed back ashecorven! Sorry about the conversion issues, it was one of my main worries, I realize that if you're using a conversion tool you need it to be rock solid.
To clarify:
- HEX to binary is actually doing text to binary.
- Binary to HEX is actually doing text to hex.
--- End quote ---
So for these use cases what you want is to decode the HEX to text then encode that text to Binary verses encoding the HEX to Binary? And you want to do the same for the Binary to HEX?
Also is it possible to have it encode to all types at once? i.e. Choose only the input type and it outputs to multiple text boxes, then each could be copied to clipboard, input box, etc.
--- End quote ---
I'll work on this while I wait for your reply on the first question.
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