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"Insert a child group here" - where exactly and what is the recommended size?


I wish to move clips from Clipboard->Old to  new  "Child groups"  so CHS will speed up when loading.

Q: where to insert a child group, so it will
a. be searchable (Quick Search Filter)
b. speed up loading

as a group under 'All' or as a group under 'Clipboard' ?

What is the maximum recommended # of items per group?


"Insert a child group here" - where exactly and what is the recommended size?

Ok so, the way the quick search filter works is it filters over all clips you would normally see -- that is, all clips in the current group AND ALL OF ITS CHILDREN.
What it searches depends on what group you have SELECTED.

So put the new group someplace where you dont normally want to search, and not as a child of someplace you normally search.

Thing is that I wanted to speed up Clipboard Help and Spell (see my other posts)
Created 3 new folders and moved clips into them (around 26k)

CHS is fast again now.

"Insert a child group here" - where exactly and what is the recommended size?

Am not sure about the SQL thing, should I tag it?


Am not sure about the SQL thing, should I tag it?
--- End quote ---

what are you askign?

Sorry for the delay, I meant this.

"Insert a child group here" - where exactly and what is the recommended size?


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