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everyday life revolution

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Stoic Joker:
^O_o I've never been a jock, or a nerd, I'm just a guy ... That can be an asshole. But the instant gratification thing is true. People are getting to used to having things too easily at their fingertips...and it's making people over all dumber ... Because nobody needs to bother to work at anything anymore.

Some of the best experiences in life can be had during the course of seemingly mundane activities if they're done with a bit of creativity...and the right people. People that you would otherwise never have encountered if the activity had been removed by some form automation.

Yes kalos seems to keep running into the grouchy old peoples club with his new fangled ideas. But that's ok, as is his desire to try. Not all ideas work for all people,. and eventually he may just come up with a winner. A wise man once told me that if you don't make a few mistakes (/fail) now and then...then you're obviously not trying very hard. Kalos is (to me) obviously trying...and that's a good thing.

There was a time in my life where computers, automation, programming, etc. was considered uber-nerd activity, wouldn't get any girls, the opposite of jocks.-superboyac (January 29, 2015, 04:36 PM)
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I was quite the freak in school, it seems:

* Leader of the computer club (Pascal, FTW) (nerd)
* High-ranking member of the Air Force JROTC squadron (nerd-ish)
* Captain of back-to-back state championship hockey teams (jock).
Still programming...and still playing age 41.  Love it.   ;D  (Air Force career didn't work out...was denied entry due to migraines.  >:()

There was a time in my life where computers, automation, programming, etc. was considered uber-nerd activity, wouldn't get any girls, the opposite of jocks.-superboyac (January 29, 2015, 04:36 PM)
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I was quite the freak in school, it seems: leader of the computer club (Pascal, FTW) (nerd), high-ranking member of the Air Force JROTC squadron (nerd-ish), and captain of back-to-back state championship hockey teams (jock).   :P

Still programming...and still playing age 41.  Love it.
-skwire (January 29, 2015, 05:24 PM)
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I love it!  You are ahead of your time!  I was friendly with the Air Force ROTC ladies...I didn't realize it was nerd-ish.  I thought I was jocking it up!  But now that you bring it up, they were more nerdy than the Army folk.  But seriously, your life balance is admirable, especially being familiar with your programming work.

Yes kalos seems to keep running into the grouchy old peoples club with his new fangled ideas. But that's ok, as is his desire to try. Not all ideas work for all people,. and eventually he may just come up with a winner. A wise man once told me that if you don't make a few mistakes (/fail) now and then...then you're obviously not trying very hard. Kalos is (to me) obviously trying...and that's a good thing.
-Stoic Joker (January 29, 2015, 04:53 PM)
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Absolutely. I don't think anybody is trying to discourage him. We're just being frank. Like a marketing focus group would be. And I'm sure it is being taken in the spirit with which it's given. The nice thing about DoCo is that you can be almost certain any criticisms or disagreements a member receives in the forum aren't being motivated by malice or lack of respect. Quite the contrary. The rare person who isn't respected most often gets no response at all.


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