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Urgent request for informatioon regarding time stamp in Windows 8
I have a problem that just started today where it seems that everyone who uploads files or creates a folder on a website gets the time changed by 12 hours which results in the DATE being off for anything done in the afternoon showing the date as being the following date. Files loaded at 11 am on the 21st show a date of the 22nd.
Changing the system date on the server only results in the same "effect", with the date being changed by 12 hours regardless.
Windows 7
Apachi Server
All updates for Windows are current
Does anybody have any idea what might cause this?
Let me add to this that even accessing this site, I am getting scripting errors, and wonder if java could be involved.
Is the time zone set properly?
Yes, the time is perfect
the website is set to display the time of the system it is logged in on and if i am on the web server and connect to the site i see the exact same date and time that the server says it is.
Moreover, if i look in the directory holding the files and folders they also show the correct date and time. The ONLY place i can go to see this effect is to connect to the website. On it, the date will show tomorrow. It does not display the time but I have run tests to prove this happens at the noon/midnight mark so it is the am/pm issue causing it.
Another odd thing is that on the website server using Internet explorer 11 i cannot even post on this site as i get constant script errors. Using Maxthon, I am able to work fine. I presume Firefox and Chrome would work also but have not tried,
This leads me to believe that in some way possibly JAVA is the culprit?
I am fairly sure that it isn't actually the browser at fault since the same "wrong" date shows even using safari on an Apple.
Thee fact that yesterday this (as far as anyone knows) was not an issue is all I can say. Of course, it COULD be that no one notice until today because normally the date associated with a file or folder is not relevant
Add a little extra to the Mix.
If i upload a document created on the 20th, it shows that it has a date of the 22nd already. If i DOWNLOAD that same document back to the web-server, it shows the 21st which is correct. The only time it LOOKS wrong is when it is viewed through a browser on the website.
You state that the time shown on your computer matches with the time/date you get from a website. It is easy to have a computer in the wrong time-zone tell the correct time and date. Especially when it is configured not to auto-update. So it is important that you verify your computer uses the correct time-zone.
Such a setting I am forced to use myself. All Windows servers I run here are all 1 hour off. And yes, I did verify that these are in the correct time zone :P
But even when I specifically configure to have no updates from any of the standard time servers that are default configured in Windows, within 8 hours my servers are all 1 hour behind again. This behavior is something I am accustomed to in the "no mans land" that exists between the US and Europe (the US uses the solstices, most of the other countries use the seasonal change, which are usually 2-3 weeks apart). A nuisance in an otherwise reasonably functioning system of monitoring the passage of time. Here in Paraguay the president decides the moments of DST changes each year. The current president didn't make a reasonable choice for me. Almost 2 moths of a discrepancy! Which isn't adjusted correctly anymore in my Windows servers when updating with any of the time servers I can reach here.
Getting timing right on a computer looks deceptively easy, but it really isn't. Especially when you have to work with different international time zones and systems of the DST changes.
Imagine the following: Offer a programmer money and a programming job that includes the above. Then offer them to to give them a kick in the nuts and the same amount of money.
An inexperienced programmer will choose the money and the job. A programmer with experience in this field will choose the money and the kick in the nuts...because that is the less painful way of making easy money.
There is a nice/funny youtube video that explains the implications of time zones and DST in a much nicer and funnier way than I can.
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