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Spam complications

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Stoic Joker:
Their subsequent answers made me understand that they only knew one thing: how to advise their customers to set the SpamAssassin score to a lower number-Hans L (January 09, 2015, 10:15 PM)
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I'm also into self hosting, but this part does sound familiar. Is that a reference to a control UI with 2 sliders on 1 slider control, that allow you to set (working from memory here...) a tag as might be spam and a just delete because it is spam scoring level?

I ran into something like this while working on a client's 3rd party hosted Exchange (cloud) server. The tagged spam goes into the user's junk mail folder (assuming Outlook), and the guaranteed (by slider position) spam is automatically just deleted. With something like this it's usually best to err on the side of caution until critical senders can be white listed, and then slowly tighten the settings until you hit 85%-90% efficiency.

Note: Even with self hosted systems that offer full access and granular control, spam filter settings should never try to hit over 95% efficiency. As the margin for error should always err on the side of caution to avoid disruptions of critical mail flow, and running the risk of driving your mail server admin crazy with 'where did message X go' reports.

Would anyone here have any other ideas, or any knowledge about where to find a host who offers teaching of SpamAssassin (or a similar spam-fighting program)?
-Hans L (January 09, 2015, 10:15 PM)
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I use LiquidWeb and always recommend them- I haven't had any spam problems specifically, but they've done a very good job helping and advising on a variety of hosting issues, so you might at least ask.

Hans L:
Thank you for the welcomes. And thank you Jody/skwire for your introduction of me.

I will continue to read about SpamAssassin. I have a lot of documentation downloaded. Time is the problem (as for all of us, I am sure). I have saved the Writing Rules. And I have taken the percentages to heart (not striving for perfection, which is the bane of the good). As for LiquidWeb, as their prices per day are about the same I now pay per month, I realize that they are well above my needs.

I hope for more tips, and will work on my side here, and report back.

Again, thank you so far!!!

Hans L

As for LiquidWeb, as their prices per day are about the same I now pay per month, I realize that they are well above my needs.
-Hans L (January 10, 2015, 10:06 AM)
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If their price per day on the main page is more than you pay per month, then their lowest price would also be above... but just for full disclosure, they do have lower prices.

Standard Website Hosting is $14.95/month... which is where I started when I first used them.  As my needs progressed, I scaled up to something a lot more... pricey.  But during the whole thing, the service has never changed... it's always been as good and as prompt, even when I was paying $14.95/month.

Welcome Hans

side note on spam and hostingI have seen hosts who disable Sendmail (and phpmail) in favour of SMTP only, such a sad white flag in my opinion


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