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Editable daily plain text reminder

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I'm looking for a simple app that can display a plain text window with some text that I can edit (for things I want to remind myself about at the start of every working day). I'd like it to pop up once a day at a set time (or whenever the PC boots/wakes up for the first time that day, if it's later than set time).

So the key requirements are:
- editable text file
- contents of the text file are displayed in full as a pop-up window (or scrollable, if text gets too long)
- ability to choose daily time when the app runs

Not essential but nice to have:
- the app could be set to stay on top of other windows until dismissed (closed)
- to be able to call it up (e.g. to edit contents) from the taskbar tray
- if it could be set to pop up multiple times during a day.

Is there a DC app that can already do this?

For simple once per day(on first boot) launch this is fine

for more complex I think I would try CronW

For the actual reminder text it could be done simply by running
EditPad Lite 7

and setting it to show the icon in the task tray.  Just minimize rather than close.

Edit:  I would try Karen's software first.  It is simple to set up.  For CronW you would need Perl installed.  Although it runs as a service and it is probably better for simple launch than the Windows Task Scheduler.  ActivePerl
 is free.  There are hundreds if not thousands of small tasks written in Perl, so it would allow you to do quite a bit once you got past the setup.  ActiePerl installer is pretty straightforward at least the last time I tried it.

For simple once per day(on first boot) launch this is fine
-MilesAhead (December 29, 2014, 07:09 AM)
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This does the trick, thanks very much!

For simple once per day(on first boot) launch this is fine
-MilesAhead (December 29, 2014, 07:09 AM)
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This does the trick, thanks very much!

-dr_andus (December 29, 2014, 07:42 AM)
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You are most welcome.  :)

Karen Kenworthy passed from this life way too young.  The programs she wrote were simple, easy to install and learn.  and they still work today.  :)

RIP Karen


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