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Editable daily plain text reminder

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I wrote a freeware w/source(HotBasic) for all windows .
I call it Cliplog/ClipFind .
A simple but powerful duo , Total size 76kb uncompressed :

Program name: ClipLog and ClipFind
Author: Vernon Marsden

CLipLog is a simple windows program

that watches the Windows ClipBoard.

Any 'COPY text' action will trigger ClipLog,

to LOG the 'CopiedText' into a disk file (yyyymmdd.txt).

ClipLog also time_stamps each 'CopiedText' entry,

and ceates a new 'yyyymmdd.txt' file for each day.

ClipLog is portable freeware, no changes are made

to your computer. Simply create a new Folder,

perhaps named "C:\CLipLog". And copy the

file into it. UnZip the file.

Now there should be 5 files in the CLipLog Folder,, ClipLog.exe, ClipLog.bas(HotBasic sourceCode), ClipLog.ico, ClipFInd.exe, ClipFind_Help.txt .

Newly created Log files will also reside in this same Folder.

ClipLog has five buttons,

1) [Send ClipLogWindow to TaskTray]  makes ClipLog

run invisible, except for a visible Icon in the TaskTray.

    You can make ClipLog visible again, by doubleClicking

    on its TaskTray Icon.

2) [FIND]  startup the ClipLog’s Search Program, ClipFind.

3) [HELP] Dislpays ClipLog/ClipFind Help DOCs in Browser.

4) [EXIT] Exits program.

5) [SHOW Files FOLDER] This brings up winExplorer showing

Your ClipLog FOLDER.

You might want to created a CLipLog.lnk (shortcut).

And put it into your StartUp Folder. Perhaps here:

"C:\Users\All Users\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup".

Then ClipLog will be started automatically, at each system startup.

ClipFind is a search program for your ClipLog yyyymmdd.txt files.

Finds text in all [.txt , .bas , .html] files in current or selected directory. The default search directory is where ClipFind.exe and ClipLog.exe are located.

==Search starts with "Enter" key in search text box or with "Find It" button.

==Keyboard arrows navigate search results; "Space" selects item and "Enter" displays item.

==Result items can be selected with key or mouse doubleclick and displayed.

Your browser is launched to display .html result files.

=="Escape" exits result display or exits program.

=="Tab" switches focus between search text box and search results list.

Search text examples:

" mod " finds fewer hits than "mod".

" hex" finds fewer hits than "hex".

How I use ClipLog/Find:

Its easy to find URLs, by searching for “http or www”. For other things, like Quotes, I imbed the word “quote” within/before/ or after the copied text.

I use the same method for other types of info,  such as “appt  for appointment”, “paid”, "passw", “phone”,  “todoDone”, “todoOpen”, "RegKey", “wishlist”, "email", "Phone", "Name", "addr", "badsite", well you get the idea.

This way ClipLog is also a Personal information manager (PIM). 

Hope this helps someone, Happy Trails!...Vernon

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