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free ABBYY Screenshot Reader

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I just checked and you can apparently still get the FREE ABBY Screenshot Reader "RETAIL" (2011 Christmas giveaway) software - download from

The "newer" version I have (dated 2009-11-20) seems to work just the same as the giveaway version (apparently dated 2009-01), so I don't know what the difference is - if any.

This relates to the above discussion and some separate discussions:
As a result of pursuing the idea of getting OCR data out of any text-containing images in my CHS database (per this request here: Feature request: automatic OCR of captured images.), I "Ducked" (DuckDuckgo) for things relevant to the subject, and happened upon this interesting post:
FREE OCR software: a survey of desktop and online tools -
Jun 18, 2013 By Priit 35 Comments
16. ABBYY Screenshot Reader
ABBYY Screenshot Reader is a screen capture software that can do screenshot OCR on the fly. Excellent recognition quality, amazing number of 160+ input languages can be selected, also multiple languages at a time. It can nicely handle data tables. ABBYY Screenshot Reader is reviewed here.

--- End quote ---

Out of interest, I downloaded and installed the free ABBYY OCR clipping tool (it is now v9.0.0.1331) and then ran a comparison between it and OneNote's OCR clipping tool using an image containing a table.
The result? Very interesting. A hands-down win by the ABBYY tool:


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