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NANY 2015 Release: Active Text Notes

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This is almost exactly the sort of thing I have been looking for ever since I had to abandon Samurize (it didn't work after Windows XP).
-IainB (December 19, 2014, 12:33 PM)
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Out of curiosity, what was it that didn't work for you post-XP? I'm running Samurize under Win7, 64-bit, and I didn't run into any problems. But I've only ever used it for one tiny feature, so maybe that's why...

...Out of curiosity, what was it that didn't work for you post-XP? I'm running Samurize under Win7, 64-bit, and I didn't run into any problems. But I've only ever used it for one tiny feature, so maybe that's why...
-dr_andus (December 19, 2014, 01:07 PM)
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Well, it just doesn't seem to work and I can't see a way to work around it. Maybe you have a different version?

Well, it just doesn't seem to work and I can't see a way to work around it. Maybe you have a different version?
-IainB (December 20, 2014, 07:12 AM)
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No, I have the same version. I have it installed under C:\Program Files (x86)\Samurize and I'm not even running it in compatibility mode. But I'm only using it to display a few lines of static text permanently from the Config Editor, so it's perfectly possible that some more sophisticated features might not work.

^^ Ah! Thanks for that. It was the installer that gave that error message.
I opened the .exe installer file with 7-zip and extracted the proggy files and folders, and now have Samurize running on my laptop under Win8.1-64 PRO. Still testing the bits, but it seems to work just fine so far. What a pleasant surprise!

Also belatedly discovered this post on (indicating that Vista and 64-bit were not constraints)
Windows Vista blocks Samurize autoload
 Windows Vista blocks Samurize autoload   
[ Troubleshooting ]
Requested and Answered by AdamC on 26-Apr-2007 03:47 (3681 reads)
Unfortunately the Samurize exe's would need to be signed to get around this problem correctly. Due to samurize being freeware this option is not viable because of the cost to get certificates.

There is however a work around that should stop vista blocking Samurize.

Use Group Policy to start Samurize
1) start gpedit.msc
2) go User Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Scripts -> Logon
3) Add client.exe with full path
(Example C:\Program Files (x86)\Samurize\Client.exe in x64 system)

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wraith808, Ath, mouser thanks.

IainB, ATN will not be Samurize.

It's purpose is to display a text file, which is generated by single or multiple exe, from batch file, run by ATN at given interval, in a non-intrusive manner.

The said text file can also be manually maintained instead of by an exe.

There are few more features in the plan and may be some fixes required, but I am planning one more app before the close of 2014, so not working on ATN as of now. Will take up all next year.

Thanks for the encouragements.




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