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Extremely simple and minimal sticky notes for windows
digiNotes crashes a lot.
Used PNotes years ago in windows xp. Gave it another try. Removed extra stuff from notes, now I can create notes on a double click. Right click is still noisy. let me hide windows built in sticky notes from task bar.
@lifeh2o: I used to be in the same boat as you but later found out that screen space is too valuable to clutter up with virtual stickies. After trying about 20 different sticky apps, Zhorn's Stickies seemed the best but now I am leaning towards ResophNotes or Evernote v2.2.1.386 (last fully offline version before it got crippled).
Not sure if it's quite what you want, but DC member anandcoral wrote Stick-A-Note. IainB's review is here: Stick-A-Note + Universal Viewer - Mini-Review
There was a very simple Stickynotes by Toren K. Smith at , but that page has gone (WayBackMachine?). Or, take a look at KNot v2.04b
Not sure if it's quite what you want, but DC member anandcoral wrote Stick-A-Note. IainB's review is here: Stick-A-Note + Universal Viewer - Mini-Review
There was a very simple Stickynotes by Toren K. Smith at , but that page has gone (WayBackMachine?). Or, take a look at KNot v2.04b
-rjbull (December 07, 2014, 03:14 PM)
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Yes, I wondered whether Stick-A-Note might fit the bill for lifeh2o.
Stickynotes by Toren K. Smith is in the Wayback (I just looked) - e.g.,
He has apparently moved his website and Stickynotes to
The Stickynotes version there is the same as the latest download from the Wayback pages (identical file hashes) - i.e., v2.0.0.4 (2004-09). Apparently, it's not been developed since. I haven't tried it out, but I did take an archive copy of both the .ZIP and .EXE (installer) files as I was fossicking about. He only offers the installer file now at
The old online Stickynotes User Guide is here:
This is for those who are not looking for very simple sticky notes for windows but may land up on this page.
If you are looking for more useful sticky notes app (stay on top, reminders etc) then there is something called Notezilla that we created. I am specifically mentioning because we do offer discounts to donationcoders.
Gautam Jain
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