Is there a way to batch/global convert the doc from side-by-side pages to straight single ones? 
you mentioned Word before? Have a look at your view - word doesn't use any sort of page arrangement (that I know of) but the 'reading mode' will present that way
or is it 2 pages to a sheet? if so try looking at columns (use the show all tool...)
I'm working in MS Word 2003.
If I choose 'select/hold shift' and scroll down, it scrolls down the first page on the left, then the second page on the right, for each 'sheet'.
From experimenting with it, it looks like the conversion created a doc file with two pages to a sheet, and each sheet is actually a 'picture'.
If instead I choose 'select all', then 'one column', it makes each 'picture sheet' a full-width text -a super wide stretch- with page number headers posted at the top; IOW, it combines text from both left and right pages, and lists two page numbers at the top to left and right, sort of a super stretch width.
I don't know if it's just a 2-page 'viewing' mode, but if so, I can't get it into the 'viewing mode' of normal MS Word with one page at a time.