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2014-2015: Best tablet specs for ebook reading

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Very interesting device, thanks for sharing.

Interesting to see if anyone manages to "extend" or "modify" the system that ships with it...

Very interesting device, thanks for sharing.

Interesting to see if anyone manages to "extend" or "modify" the system that ships with it...
-ewemoa (March 16, 2015, 08:32 PM)
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From the way that they're marketing it, and the 'interview' process and the reasoning behind that, I don't know if it will get into the hands of someone that would do that.

It does seem less likely, but perhaps after a certain amount of time...

On a related note, below is a thread with more detailed discussion including mention of alternative devices:

From the way that they're marketing it, and the 'interview' process and the reasoning behind that, I don't know if it will get into the hands of someone that would do that.
-wraith808 (March 16, 2015, 09:36 PM)
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Looking at:

somehow I'm getting the feeling one can be obtained in a fairly straight-forward manner.  May be things have changed?  The price seems to have dropped a fair bit :)

FWIW, I came across that link via:

where I saw the following:

All Other Professions
Sony Direct-to-Customer Sales invites professionals and all interested parties to call our Concierge team to learn more about Digital Paper. Please call us at 877-723-7669, or click below to buy online.

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Sony has been selling the Digital Paper directly to consumers in the U.S. since last summer through their online store, but I'm not sure they are still making the device.  It's currently listed as "back-ordered" on the site.
Sony pulled out of the e-book market late last year and said they would not be making readers any more.  Whether that includes the Digital Paper is an open question.
-xtabber (March 15, 2015, 04:20 PM)
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That's an interesting find, thanks. This is kind of what I have been looking for for some time.

I seem to recall that someone (I don't recall it being me) did a post on DCF a while back about some research on something similar to this sort of device, but I can't find the post in a site-wide search. I think it was just research though. There wasn't anything actually produced and on the market at the time.


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