How is it circular?
You are not harmed because I have said: I have not harmed you?

That's not circular reasoning.
THIS is great circular reasoning ;)
Let's outline this with a fictitious example.
First, let's imagine Stephen and he's seen my software,
Guitar & Drum Trainer. He's working on a particularly difficult piece, and figures that he could use some help with it, so he downloads the trial. He uses it, then it expires. He goes to The Pirate Bay and downloads it so he can continue to use it.
Stephen wasn't going to buy a license anyways, so in what way have I been harmed?
Pretty simple. I haven't.
I haven't suffered any harm at all. None. Zero. Nadda.
Stephen hasn't taken anything from me. I still have exactly what I had before he downloaded GDT, and I'm no worse off.
Now, I'd surely love for Stephen to buy a license, as I'd love for anyone to buy a license.
Second, let's imagine that instead, Stephen downloads the trial, it expires, he doesn't buy a license (which he wasn't going to anyways), and then he goes out and downloads Audacity where he can get a small amount of the functionality of GDT with a lot of effort.
In that case, I doubt there's anyone (sane) that would say that Stephen has harmed me.
But what is the difference between the first and second scenario?
In both cases I don't get anything. So, that's easy.
In the first case, Stephen gets to work with highly functional software that let's him focus more on his music than on farting around with software settings.
In the second case, Stephen has to fart around with software settings and deal with distractions that take away from his music.
Stephen is better off in scenario 1 compared to scenario 2.
But neither scenario makes a lick of difference to me.
Or does it???
Scenario 1 may provide enough of an advantage for Stephen that he goes on to produce something that he wouldn't have in scenario 2. That may positively affect other people, and in a tiny way, my life might be better because of that "butterfly effect". But, that's just wild speculation.
Stephen does not harm me by downloading my software from The Pirate Bay and then using it.