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i like this idea! many times i had abandoned apps that uses these kind of installers.

I think the DLL is really the way to go..

The dll should export a callable function that returns TRUE if the installer is being run inside a 3rd party "wrapper".
It would be nice if there were options for displaying a (text customizable) alert box if so, and providing a button to visit a specific webpage.

As far as detecting whether the installer is being run via a 3rd party wrapper, the ideal case would be if you could detect the parent launching process and easily detect all wrappers.  A less ideal solution if that is impossible would be to detect specific company wrappers.

By my way of thinking, it's not important if this detection happens before or after the wrapper tries to install any adware or bundled crap.  The point of this DLL is not to prevent the wrapper from running -- it's to let your installer detect this case and decide what to do.  Some coders may decide that the best thing to do is warn the user, exit, and send the user to the REAL program web page.  Other coders may decide that the best thing to do is let the install complete but warn the user.

Ideally just the use of this dll will be enough to trigger these websites automatic wrapping tool to give up and not wrap the program.


I sent you a link to a zip with some wrapped installers, check your pm.


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