Software > N.A.N.Y. 2015
NANY 2015 Release: WhenLast (Android app)
By the way, im not much of a mobile user, or i probably would have known that there is an popular free (ad-free donationware) android app that does pretty much everything WhenLast does and is more polished; it's called Regularly. Support donationware coders -- if you need an app like WhenLast you should definitely check out Regularly.
Did someone say "widgets" ?
You can choose which category to show on a widget; here's one showing only overdue "reminders":
New version uploaded with preliminary Widget support.
New version up (wed jan 21); you can now configure the detail level you want reported for timestamps and reminder due dates (in main app options); this value will effect timer resolutions, so if you tell it to show you due dates in terms of seconds, it will set up timers to be able to do that. In the same respect, if you set it to show you such information rounded to the hour/day, it will use less clock cycles on your device. SO, for testing purposes you may want to set the granularity to seconds, so that you can watch the seconds tick by live as it counts up/down.
ps. you can click on the "titlebar" of the widget to re-bring up the configuration options.
Another question:
In the current version and in previous posts I have been talking about setting a REMINDER, for example if you have a task you can set a reminder for 30 days after the last time you performed the task.
But then in notifications and display I show this as "HOW LONG UNTIL *DUE*" or "HOW LONG SINCE *OVERDUE*", treating this time as the DUE date.
In the current version there is a REMINDERS tab, but it shows items that have past the reminder date as "overdue".
Now I am thinking about creating TWO automatic tabs -- one called REMINDERS and one called OVERDUE.
So here's my question:
Should I rename the field you edit and change it from "REMIND IN [X] [days]", to something like "DUE IN [X] [days]", and use that value for the overdue tab, and have a separate setting somewhere that says how far in advanced of due date i should put something on the REMINDERS tab. Can I use a global option for that, or do i really need every item to have a separate option for DUE IN and REMIND IN, which I would like to avoid.
Ideally my preference would be to have a single value that the user sets for when to consider the activity OVERDUE (for example 120 days); and show OVERDUE items on an OVERDUE tab, and then use a heuristic to decide when to list items on a REMINDER tab, for example when there the time left before an item becomes overdue surpasses 90% of the interval that is considered overdue.
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