Software > N.A.N.Y. 2015
NANY 2015 Release: WhenLast (Android app)
I listed the apps on the google play store to purchase for 99 cents. I decided to try that instead of listing them for free -- most of the time free in these app stores seems to mean covered in ads, so I thought 99 cents might be a cleaner approach.
-mouser (January 05, 2015, 03:36 PM)
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Thanks you gave me direction.
All these 'store' has made rotten the concept of 'free'. In most cases the user is paying through his nose in mobile connection for ads or in-app purchase to get one more feature.
We programmers who have been releasing 'free' apps in pure literal sense, now have to face questions from the users. They bracket us in same league.
Though I still do not have a Android phone/pad etc. (she is not allowing me), but I will follow your path for store and allow free from my site.
Mouser, I'd be pleased to be notified of updates by Google Play Store, and I certainly have no objection to paying $.99 for the app. However, when I went to Play Store and did a search for When Last, it didn't appear until #29 (even though no other app before it had that title), and it said nothing about $.99. Indeed, it apparently recognized that I already have the app installed, since the options it offered me were Uninstall and Open, not Install or Update. I checked and I have version 1.12 installed, and the one in Play Store is 1.13, so it should have offered the Update option. Just thought you should know.
All these 'store' has made rotten the concept of 'free'. In most cases the user is paying through his nose in mobile connection for ads or in-app purchase to get one more feature.
We programmers who have been releasing 'free' apps in pure literal sense, now have to face questions from the users. They bracket us in same league.
-anandcoral (January 06, 2015, 02:32 AM)
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Yes Anand, and sometime I would like to look at a link to see what the bandwidth of the ads is.
I'll add to your note that a lot of the devs making stuff for my iPhone are tapping into some kind of structured Apple ad banner service, and it's very hard to get rid of it (if at all). And it takes up some 15-20 % of the entire screen! And it's jammed next to a legit feature button, so you have no choice but to "click" it when your finger is off by a quarter of an inch for the feature. Then you waste 30 seconds getting dragged to the store to preview whatever it is before you can go back to what you were doing!
15% space in desktop ads would make users livid with anger!
I'm in for the $0.99 Play Store version. As CyberDiva said, it was surprising to find the app so far down the list. For a direct match, I'd expect it to be at or near the top.
I don't want to derail the conversation, but it's already half-way there, so...
I don't mind the ads so much. What really irks me are in-app purchases. I don't like the idea to begin with, because I'd like to be able to plan from the start how much something's going to cost me. But on top of this, it's almost never clear what features are free, and what you'll need to spend extra on.
it apparently recognized that I already have the app installed, since the options it offered me were Uninstall and Open, not Install or Update. I checked and I have version 1.12 installed, and the one in Play Store is 1.13, so it should have offered the Update option.
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that's unpleasant.. i figured the play store might not help you update if you downloaded it elsewhere, but that's pretty crappy that they don't at least tell you there is an update available.
a search for When Last, it didn't appear until #29
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well i suppose the fact that it only has 5 downloads is reason enough for it to be at the bottom of the list :)
ps. if you type it in with no spaces ("whenlast") it does show first.
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