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NANY 2015 Release: WhenLast (Android app)

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@mouser: It appears to me that you just need to add extra (transparent) padding to the top and bottom of the image to make it as tall as it is wide.
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i could do that.. but it's been suggested to me that the "icon" is not very mobile-like, and that i should have a more square shaped icon..

@mouser: It appears to me that you just need to add extra (transparent) padding to the top and bottom of the image to make it as tall as it is wide.
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i could do that.. but it's been suggested to me that the "icon" is not very mobile-like, and that i should have a more square shaped icon..
-mouser (January 25, 2015, 01:58 PM)
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That's what I was saying. Make the height the same as the width. That's the definition of square. (c:

 ;D what i meant is make the image design itself more squarish, rather than an image which is technically square but has large transparent blank area on one side.

I thought the complaint was that because the dimensions of the image aren't square, the icon gets squished to weird proportions. I figured making the image square with some transparent pixels would prevent that.

yes, it should fix that problem.
im just saying a secondary problem is that people have suggested i should make the icon more mobile-looking, and that might be best to do that instead.


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