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when will we eventually be able to

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Ford unveils a car seat which detects when a driver is having heart attack

Ford and other car makers are increasingly aware that the time may not be far away when a 100-year-old driver is unexceptional...

One hundred-year-olds driving cars will not be abnormal in the future.

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Senior Moments are a problem now.  Hitting the gas instead of the brake.
How about steering wheel sensors to detect sudden stress and a microphone on the dash to hear all the screaming.  ;D the car industry seeks ways to maximise profits at a time when the number of wealthy over-65s is growing rapidly.

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Highway or public safety is not Fords main objective here.  Silly me.  :-\   I thought they actually cared.

Stress sensors, of some kind, may even help the current over-80s live to be 100.


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