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when will we eventually be able to

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when will we eventually be able to go to a petrol station, fill our car, and pay automatically, contactless, instantly?

by a system that will recognize our plate and charge our account accordingly?

ok, if you want we can enter our pin to authorise the transaction, but for me personally it isn't necessary

-kalos (October 20, 2014, 11:09 AM)
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A vehicle-specific decal (not a sticker) on the windshield would be more secure.  Tags are stolen all the time.

A retinal scan for your PIN.

And a low-voltage metal-to-metal contact sensor for the nozzle.  Similar to the way water faucets can be turned on with a touch.

IMO all of these could work... but I wouldn't hold your breath.

I'd just settle for an at-the-pump receipt now and then.   ;D

I'd just settle for an at-the-pump receipt now and then.
-crabby3 (October 22, 2014, 01:39 PM)
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Heh.  We keep expecting exotic convenience through technology when in the US we can't even get them to put personal medical history on a Smart Card.  Just the fax mam.  :(

Stoic Joker:
I'd just settle for an at-the-pump receipt now and then.
-crabby3 (October 22, 2014, 01:39 PM)
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Heh.  We keep expecting exotic convenience through technology when in the US we can't even get them to put personal medical history on a Smart Card.  Just the fax mam.  :(
-MilesAhead (October 22, 2014, 04:30 PM)
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I take it you haven't seen the nightmare that is the medical software backends trying to align themselves with the Meaningful Use (government) requirements that are positioned to become what you speak of. Duct tape and bailing wire doesn't even come close to describing how the stuff is being slapped together ... And security?!? OMFG The things I've seen done - at the direction of a support "tech" - would make anyone with an ounce of common sense terrified to be caught with one of those cards ... You'd be safer in the jungle with a Voodoo witch doctor.

You'd be safer in the jungle with a Voodoo witch doctor.
-Stoic Joker (October 22, 2014, 04:58 PM)
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For grins one time I searched the Nobel Prize awards for chemistry.  You may be surprised how many were just for synthesizing the medicine the rain forest witch doctor got from the wild.  I seem to remember it being at least 1/2 dozen.  The Sean Connery flick Medicine Man was a Hollywoodization, so to speak, of the process.

Edit: I made this search back during my "news junkie" period, early to mid 90s.  Since then with the concern over the rain forest being burned and cleared I would conjecture there's a concerted effort to get as many medicines as possible before they are lost forever.  The synthesized medicines may well be in the dozens by now.  I don't really know.  End Edit

I'm sure it was shown in the best possible light, but even so this documentary I saw had a section on the system in Taiwan.  Inserting a smart card may have flaws but it has to be better than me running around in one hospital trying to get them to fax my mother's medical records to another.  I don't know what people do who have nobody to run these errands for them.  It's pitiful.

it doesnt really make much sense that you keep trying to convert those with the latter approach, to your enthusiastic approach.
-tomos (October 22, 2014, 09:55 AM)
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Not to mention the futility of trying to innovate a dinosaur. Nobody is going to waste the time and effort to create a new and better payphone...because they are simply no longer needed. Gas stations are in an earlier yet much the same situation. There is no point in streamlining/improving a process that will start dying out in another 20 or so years.

I don't object to hybrids...I just find the toothless emasculated ones to be obnoxious. There are a few on the market that don't completely suck.

Hydrogen filling stations, yes.
Charging stations, yes.
Gasoline stations ... Let. It. Go. The risk/reward factor just ain't there.
-Stoic Joker (October 22, 2014, 01:14 PM)
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look here what they develop, while we already have driveless technology
and it's not a small project, they want to make it detect even electrolytic imbalances!
they spend so many money and effort, while the future is clearly driveless!
Ford unveils a car seat which detects when a driver is having heart attack


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