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Linking to .msc console

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I use Windows XP SP3. In my previous post I attached a screenshot showing how I configured event viewer, note you do need to specify 'eventvwr.msc' and not just 'eventvwr' .

I also have it working fine for control panel such as Add\Remove programs '%SystemDirectory%\appwiz.cpl'  For some commands I have had to use crude workarounds using the cmd prompt but while it launches what I need it leaves a command window open which I have to manually close - see screenshot for the set-up.

Thanks dluby,
Have not tried my portable LBC on a Win XP yet. But I guess it probably works nicely there, just as it does for you. Flexibility to cover different OS is exactly my reason for not hard-coding the path to SysWOW64, where the eventviewer and other .msc reside on Win7_x64.

I cannot get "control userpasswords2" to work, either. For a moment the black cmd box flickers across the screen but nothing else happens. However, triggering "control mouse | keyboard | printers | fonts etc" works fine. So does control appwhiz.cpl and control desk.cpl,,5 and many other control ***.cpl calls.

To sum up, I cannot use any *.msc calls but most (though not all) of the control *** calls, with or without a trailing .cpl.
Needless to say, everything - including control userpasswords2 and eventvwr.msc etc  - works fine when entering the same lines into Win+R run dialog.


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