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Main Area and Open Discussion > DC Gamer Club

GamerGate: 'Press must tackle misogyny,' says developer

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This says pretty much everything I think and might say about Gamergate. Since somebody (Ken White) went through all the trouble of writing it up, I won't duplicate effort by doing my own version.


The largest problem with any intelligent conversation on the issue, is that there is such a fog of war on the issue, and it takes effort to find the good conversations, and too many bad ones fatigue.

So thanks for cutting through a bit of that and finding a post that I can just point to on the subject. :)

This says pretty much everything I think and might say about Gamergate. Since somebody (Ken White) went through all the trouble of writing it up, I won't duplicate effort by doing my own version.
-40hz (November 23, 2014, 10:58 AM)
--- End quote ---

that was very helpful, thanks!

Like they suggested on The Well way back at the dawn of the online discussion era:

Try not to offend.
Try not to be so easily offended.

 Amen! :Thmbsup:

Saw this:

Says a fair bit.


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