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SSL broken, again, in POODLE attack

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Thanks for the heads up and browser fix suggestions, app103  :Thmbsup:

To fix your browser:

* Safari users on OSX & iOS: You are pretty much screwed till Apple fixes it for you. Use a different browser.-app103 (October 15, 2014, 05:39 PM)
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How do people use different browsers in iOS effectively?

The huge reason I never considered my phone (iPhone) to be a real comp is that while it can do a few fun useful things, it just doesn't do anything that I consider really useful / work.

So I am only a novice at phones, but I've tried to barely keep up on the news. So Apple has made it rather hard to use other browsers than Safari on an iPhone. And despite how ugly Flash is, it does run a few things. So I squeaked by, and got a copy of Photon on my iPhone, that does some sort of "process and pass on" version of Flash.

So, there. That's a different browser. But is it susceptible to this new attack? I have no idea and no idea how to find out. I'm a great test case because I'm sorta smart, and I have first level questions, but these new stories are coming too fast and thick for me to make out.

Windows box? If so, ...
-app103 (October 15, 2014, 06:29 PM)
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Aw, c'mon App, you should know me better by now  :P
I'm 100% Linux and have been for a while.  I think I have XP in a virtual machine around here somewhere...

BTW, the computer I'm on at the moment is a Dell SC1425 server.  Radeon Mobility graphics and one expansion slot which is PCI-X.  

Funny thing, I just fired up Firefox, and while scrolling up and down a page lags like swimming in peanut butter, the Mozilla Bundle game previews play just fine...

Perhaps for Chrome based opera?

But for Opera 12.17 or earlier, disabling  "Enable SSL 3"  in Preferences/Advanced/Security/Security Protocols should work.

If not, then it's time to switch permanently to a 2nd rate browser.

PS: Thanks for the Pale Moon tip
-NigelH (October 15, 2014, 06:31 PM)
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Cool tip Nigel!  For now, Opera 12.17 is the only one available for Linux, so I'll try that out.

Test your browser

(confirms Opera 12.17 suggestion works).

My first hint about this issue was when my IRC client disconnected from Slack very early this morning and wouldn't reconnect. I thought the issue was on my end, rebooted twice, went googling the error messages I was getting, etc. But it turned out that Slack turned off SSLv3 as soon as they found out about this, and my IRC client didn't support TLS, so I had to go find a version of Xchat that does and doesn't crash when I lose my internet connection. That was a big chunk out of my day today.  :(


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