Software > N.A.N.Y. 2015
NANY 2015 Pledge - Some Kind of Unique Productivity Tool
As an idea, I use ResophNotes, with Simplenote integration. I save files in txt format, so that I can have my data back, even if any one of the above does not work, for some reason.
-anandcoral (October 08, 2014, 11:23 AM)
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Here is an alternative example for the Mac on Using nvALT as a Zettel Note Archive for implementing a Zettelkasten (i.e. electronic version of the index cards in a slip box) method for handling a vast amount of index cards with various tagging and search tools.
Lots of great comments here so far -- you guys no more about this type of software than I do and have more experience with these kinds of tools, so I need your assistance.
Some quick thoughts:
I do *not* want to try to reproduce the functionality of the best-in-glass general purpose tools. They are too good at what they do for me to think I can do better.
I'm much more interested in creating something unique, experimental, opinionated, and focused on doing things fundamentally different than the existing tools.
So, one possible angle to this is to make a tool that is really more about PRINTING cards (or sheets) from your item entries, rather than a tool meant to let you do lots of virtual work on screen.. A tool designed to help you manage and print physical cards (or todo lists) for physical use.
That's just one angle -- I'm open to going in a different direction.
So, one possible angle to this is to make a tool that is really more about PRINTING cards (or sheets) from your item entries, rather than a tool meant to let you do lots of virtual work on screen.. A tool designed to help you manage and print physical cards (or todo lists) for physical use.
-mouser (October 08, 2014, 11:52 AM)
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How about taking the notion of "printing" more loosely as 'arranging cards on a sheet' (for various sizes of actual/virtual paper, e.g. from A4 to A2, for those with bigger monitors)?
Also, how about making the main limitation of the physical index card into its main advantage as a virtual card, i.e. its limited size? The thing about most of the software versions is that you can either type unlimited amount of text (so they are no longer bite-size) or too little (like Scrivener) for it to be similar to a virtual card.
It could be interesting to have a software that forces you to be focused per card because space is limited (a bit like Twitter). The question is what word count that should be per card. And then the other limitation would be the visible size of the sheet it can be "printed" on, again, to force focus.
You can sort of do this with PowerPoint but PPT allows you to decrease the size of the font and cram a lot of text into each slide, thus losing the possibility of enforcing focus.
How about taking the notion of "printing" more loosely as 'arranging cards on a sheet' (for various sizes of actual/virtual paper, e.g. from A4 to A2, for those with bigger monitors)?
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yeah, i would make it work with any kind of card layout and paper size, that's not a problem.
it does raise the interesting issue of stuff not fitting on a card though.. interesting dilemma.
^ Have a 'front' and 'back' for each card?
Printing - I like the focus on this.
If printing a bunch of 'cards' on one page, a couple of ideas below - may not be the direction you were thinking, but I'll throw them out anyway:
* how about being able to emphasise importance via size? (You would then have the challenge of getting the rest to fit in the remaining space. It could be done portrait, either by rotating the card - or the text could be fit to the portrait orientation)
* different colour backgrounds for different themes a la GTD or for different aspects or projects. Or maybe just a colour strip on the card to save on ink costs.)
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