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Who is your Favourite "Doctor"?

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The thing I could never wrap my head around was the concept of The Doctor as the last of a race of Time Lords.  I mean, if these guys are always scampering around in the centuries how are there not any of them left around even if they got killed in the future?-MilesAhead (October 26, 2014, 04:47 PM)
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Because there aren't any Time Ladies?  ;)
(cross-reference Robert E. Heinlein's short story '"—All You Zombies—"' and Mark Twain's answer to the question "What would men be without women?" "Scarce, sir…mighty scarce".)

The thing I could never wrap my head around was the concept of The Doctor as the last of a race of Time Lords.  I mean, if these guys are always scampering around in the centuries how are there not any of them left around even if they got killed in the future?-MilesAhead (October 26, 2014, 04:47 PM)
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Because there aren't any Time Ladies?  ;)-rjbull (November 02, 2014, 04:58 PM)
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The Rani - whatever happened to her ... might have to watch all the eps again.

Don't look if you haven't seen Dark Water episodeNever fear though, The Master is back as you've never seen her ;)

-rjbull (November 02, 2014, 04:58 PM)
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Because there aren't any Time Ladies?

I guess regeneration isn't as much fun as the other form of reproduction.  :)

But anyway, The Doctor is there and The Master.  But none of the others even when The Doctor diddybops around in time including like, before they were destroyed?  When they pitched the series maybe that was the selling point.  But it doesn't make sense.  :)

They weren't destroyed nor killed, they were just moved into a different universe.
Technically, The Doctor isn't "the last of the Time Lords", he just happened to be the only one who was outside the Moment's sphere.

They weren't destroyed nor killed, they were just moved into a different universe.
Technically, The Doctor isn't "the last of the Time Lords", he just happened to be the only one who was outside the Moment's sphere.
-Tuxman (November 03, 2014, 05:39 AM)
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Ok.  But if plucking them out removes them from all time then everything they ever did is gone and the jazz about not changing history is kind of moot.  Sorry.  Don't mean to bog it down in details.  I don't see much TV these days and the TV and movies I watched is starting to feel like another universe.

Fortunately I can pick up a Japanese or Korean TV show here and there with English Subs.


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