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IDEA: Create your own Tool Tips
- I am new to this, so if your PC bursts into flames and melts, it was not me, I am not that clever.
lol! good point ;D ;D ;D
-dB (June 06, 2006, 10:01 AM)
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- a TTP editor, with mouse coord display etc
-dB (June 06, 2006, 10:01 AM)
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EhEh.. You made this post exactly at the same time i send you an e-mail with this done ;)
This is the greatest thing since sliced bread!!!!. I love it. And it is simple enough that even I seem to be able to make it work like a charm.
Donation credits will be on the way.
i'd love to see an example of this in action - maybe someone could take some screenshots of it in use, or even better maybe josh can make a little screencast movie of it working if someone can send him some example files.
i'd love to see an example of this in action - maybe someone could take some screenshots of it in use, or even better maybe josh can make a little screencast movie of it working if someone can send him some example files.
-mouser (June 06, 2006, 07:30 PM)
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that would be nice i have to agree.
Have learnt a lot of AHK in the last 24hrs.
jgpaiva sent me a Tooltipcreator (thanks) and the modified version can be found below. Feedback welcome.
will create a file with the TTP extension in the same directory it is installed.
use the F11 key to capture the mouse position
enter text to appear in ToolTip
Test ToolTip - will display tooltip on screen
Save ToolTipPrompt to file - will append x,y,text to the end of file
You can still modify the X , Y position and test before saving line.
This will create a file that can still be modified in a text editor. But it gives you a good headstart.
- Blink, a 1 shot blink of tooltip to help locate in busy screens
- Hide & Show, temporarily hide tooltip and show again
- All, show all tooltips a once. (Up to 20 limit??)
A screenshot of Mouser's 'Process Tamer' configure screen with a ToolTipPrompt instructing to check box.
Suggestions and comments on improvement to code, and the useage of script welcome.
download and save all files in the same directory.
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