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Windows 10 Announced

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"Windows 8, as the world now knows, was a superimposed mishmash of two operating systems.
-TaoPhoenix (October 02, 2014, 04:12 AM)
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Interesting to note that Google (perhaps a competitor MS should keep an eye on) goes out of its way to stress that it has no intention of forcing the merging of its desktop and mobile operating systems:

Don't Expect Android and Chrome to Merge Soon, Says Google Exec

Other than adding in (or adding back in) features that are already available via 3rd party tools even in Win7, I haven't heard of any compelling argument yet as to why anyone (business or consumer) should be looking to upgrade to Win10 (from Win7, or even XP).

If anything, it sounds like grudgingly back-pedalling on some features in the face of user resistance, while continuing to press on with the merging of platforms, despite the fact that it has not worked (RT?) and none of the big competitors are doing it either.

Arizona Hot:
The acid test will be when somebody who has used only Win XP or 7 installs it or gets a machine with it new and tries it out.

The acid test will be when somebody who has used only Win XP or 7 installs it or gets a machine with it new and tries it out.
-Arizona Hot (October 02, 2014, 07:35 PM)
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Yes, but that's what I'm saying: what are they offering (in terms of new killer features) that will entice masses of businesses and consumers to try it out? I'm not seeing anything so far.

(I understand programmers, sysadmin and the like will try it out because of their professional needs and curiosity - but I'm talking about MS's target customers, the vast majority of whom are still with Win7 and XP.)

Arizona Hot:
The possible problem is not whether they will find it better, it is whether they will find it compatible with the programs they use and easily usable. These people want to continue what they have been doing with as little transition trouble as possible. They will have to transfer to it sooner or later, the question is when and with what problems.

The acid test will be when somebody who has used only Win XP or 7 installs it or gets a machine with it new and tries it out.
-Arizona Hot (October 02, 2014, 07:35 PM)
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Well, I don't plan to mess with pre-release versions, but I'll exactly be trying a dual boot (with lots of help!) on the final version of Win 10 next year. Some article I was reading says it was supposed to be (my words) "not that hard". (More like "Q. is it possible to dual boot this?" "Answer: Yes, do __ __ ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ ___ __" aka some bunch of steps.)


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